Hi people.

  Some days ago I asked about a sprite problem... Well, this is my 
initsprite routine... I don't know what is wrong. When this routine
is called, screen 6 and its palette are already set.
  Some comments are in portuguese, but the main are in english

---- Begin Code ----

        ; Clear Sprite Tables
        LD      IX,CLRSPR       ; Indica funcao de limpar sprites
        CALL    CALLSUB         ; Executa funcao
        ; Set Sprite 8x8 normal size.
        LD      A,(RG1SAV)      ; Carrega R#1 em A
        AND     11111100b       ; Zera bit 0 (tam normal) e 1 (8x8)
        LD      B,A             ; Carrega B com valor de escrita
        LD      C,1             ; Indica R#1
        LD      IX,WRTVDP       ; Indica funcao de escrita no VDP
        CALL    CALLBIOS        ; Executa funcao
        ; Make sure that the sprites are turned on.
        LD      A,(RG8SAV)      ; Carrega R#8 em A
        AND     11111101b       ; Zera 2o. bit (Liga Sprites)
        LD      B,A             ; Carrega B com valor
        LD      C,8             ; Indica R#8
        LD      IX,WRTVDP       ; Chama funcao de escrita no VDP
        CALL    CALLBIOS        ; Executa
        ; Finds sprites pattern table address
        LD      IX,CALPAT       ; Aponta funcao que acha tabela de patt
        XOR     A               ; Indica sprite 0
        CALL    CALLSUB         ; Chama subrom
        LD      (SPRPTR),HL     ; Grava em local adequado
        ; Finds sprites attribute table address
        LD      IX,CALATR       ; Indica funao que acha end de attr.
        XOR     A               ; Indica sprite 0
        CALL    CALLSUB         ; Chama SubRom
        LD      (SPRATT),HL     ; Grava no local adequado
        ; Finds sprites color table address
        XOR     A               ; Zera Cf
        LD      DE,512          ; Carrega 512 em DE
        SBC     HL,DE           ; Subtrai 512 de HL (HL agora = tab.de cores)
        LD      (SPRCOL),HL     ; Salva na RAM
        ; Initialize patern table
        LD      DE,0A000h       ; Aponta para endereco temporario
        LD      HL,SPRITES_PAT  ; Aponta para tabela
        LD      BC,8*2          ; Indica 16 bytes
        LDIR                    ; Copia
        LD      DE,(SPRPTR)     ; Aponta DE para tabela de padroes na VRAM
        LD      HL,0A000h       ; Aponta HL para inicio da tabela de padroes
        LD      BC,8*2          ; Indica 8 bytes*2sprites
        LD      IX,LDIRVM       ; Indica funcao de copia RAM->VRAM
        CALL    CALLBIOS        ; Executa funcao
        ; Initialize color table
        LD      DE,0A000h       ; Aponta para endereco temporario
        LD      HL,SPRITES_COL  ; Aponta para tabela
        LD      BC,16*2         ; Indica 16*2 bytes
        LDIR                    ; Copia
        LD      DE,(SPRCOL)     ; Aponta DE para tabela de cores na VRAM
        LD      HL,0A000h       ; Aponta HL para inicio da tabela de cores
        LD      BC,16*2         ; Indica 16bytes*2sprites
        LD      IX,LDIRVM       ; Indica funcao de copia da RAM->VRAM
        CALL    CALLBIOS        ; Executa
        ; Initialize attribute table
        LD      DE,0A000h       ; Aponta para endereco temporario
        LD      HL,SPRITES_ATT  ; Aponta para tabela
        LD      BC,4*2          ; Indica 8 bytes
        LDIR                    ; Copia
        LD      DE,(SPRATT)     ; Aponta DE para tabela de atributos na VRAM
        LD      HL,0A000h       ; Aponta HL para inicio da tabela de atributos
        LD      BC,4*2          ; Indica 4bytes*2sprites
        LD      IX,LDIRVM       ; Indica funcao de copia RAM->VRAM
        CALL    CALLBIOS        ; Executa
        RET                     ; Retorna...

SPRPTR:         DB      000h,000h
SPRATT:         DB      000h,000h
SPRCOL:         DB      000h,000h

;Sprites --- these are just test sprites
        DB      0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh ; contorno seta
        DB      0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh ; contorno seta
        DB      06Ah,07Fh,000h,001h
        DB      06Ah,07Fh,001h,001h
        DB      001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h ; contorno da seta
        DB      001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h ;
        DB      001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h ; miolo da seta
        DB      001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h ;

---- End Code ----

  Any ideas? I'm trying to do this stupid thing for days, and NOTHING.

  Thanks in advance. 

     []'s Daniel Caetano ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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