On Sat, 22 Jul 2000, you wrote:

> Even while there were MSX games sold in Europe, such as Maze of Galious,
> King's Valley and Nemesis 3, Martos still cracked those, so IMHO Martos is
> one of the hackers that somehow destroyed the MSX-world for Europe...

You have a point when you claim Martos cracked any MegaROM, whether it was 
sold in Europe or not. But I don't think you can blame Martos for destroying 
the MSX market in Europe. And certainly not the MSX-world...

The market received severe damage from copying, but that damage was done by 
people who didn't buy original games anymore. So I think those individuals 
are to blame, not the crackers and certainly not Martos alone. He made good 
cracks, so his crack were popular. But if he wouldn't have made them, other 
cracks would have emerged. In fact, there are multiple cracks for most 
MegaROM games.

And for people who claim they own mostly original software: Did you have that 
original software also back in 1984-1990? If so, accept my compliments! If 
not, then you must realise that collecting original software today is totally 
unrelated to supporting the game companies.

By the way, some people seem to think Japanese MSX users didn't copy games. 
They probably didn't do it on the scale it was done in Europe, but one fact 
remains: the best copy protection is MicroCabin's. And it was applied to 
games that were never sold in Europe. Also, Konami put the RAM of the SD 
Snatcher SCC+ in different pages than that of the Snatcher SCC+. I can't 
think of any reason to do so except copy protection.


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