According to the info I got, the roms on the cd´s should be modified in the way that they don´t use any BIOS calls...
So in that case well, you can forget about using it for emulation thus there is no bios incorporated in this emulator...
Whatz up with the GFX9000 version (normal screen) of eggbert and moonsound muzic?
Greetz, from Bjørn Boye Skjoldhammer aka trd
ICQ #20449307
----- Original Message -----
From: TFH/Fony
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 4:38 PM
Subject: Konami MSX Antiques - Emulator

Some people already notices that the files on the Konami MSX Antiques for the Playstation are more or less the standard MSX ROM Images of these games. This means that there is at least some mlevel of emulation.
Can anyone "dive" into this? Maybe this emulator can be used to play other .ROM images as well. This way we can play lot's more MSX Games on our PSX...

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