Hello Arnaud,

--- Arnaud de Klerk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: "Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > PS: I think that Arnold is coming to the dark side of the force (aka M$)
> And it's people like you that made me close down the MEP.
> This is really a stupid, unthoughfull remark.

Hold on fire, I'm sure DalPoz was just kidding when he wrote that.

What's happening on the MSX arena? As Rafael Corrales said in his message,
everyone is fighting "to see who is better, more beautiful and smarter". This
will lead us to nowhere and is a destructive behaviour. 

Just calm down, ok? Sometimes we need to take some time to see things better.
Personally I needed about 3 years before coming back to the MSX arena. Many
personal problems influenced this period, but now I'm back and glad to

Since it's a *hobby*, I'm making no promisses and no deadlines, but just wait
some time to see some good piece of software coming to MSX/MSX-emu scene:

1) Uzix is getting better and better. A new version is probably coming out
soon. Dalpoz also offered himself to code the fast-disk-routines.

2) I'll do enhancements on ExecROM, like adding mapper support.

3) Sean Young is doing a great job on MESS, I'm contributing with some ideas
and also hope to help him more on the MSX core itself when I finish my
current project. Sadly my TR slots died and I'm unable to help him to compare
the real SCC sound with the emulator.

Regards to all,




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