
>I think it's the client. Any FTP client would be able to connect properly.
>I think it's the web-browsers that try to connect to FTP sites may giver
>errors like these. Especially IE may give problems.

We don't solve the problem bij only saying that "especially IE is giving
problems", because that isn't really true (I use IE and I can connect to
Funet with IE!)...

Most of the time I use WS-FTP, maybe my settings wil solve the problem...

Profile-name: Funet (or any other name you like!)
Host Name/Adress: ftp.funet.fi
Host type: Automatic detect
User ID: anonymous
Password: -your e-mail address-

I'm sure other FTP-programs are just like WS-FTP... give it a try...

--[ MARI ]--

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