>  The partition table of Gouda/Novaxis/Fudeba SCSI interfaces
> are standard? A decoding routine for MegaSCSI partition table will
> work on a Novaxis partition table?
>  Can someone send me the *physical* sector 0 of a SCSI HD
> connected to a Novaxis interface?

Novaxis, MK, Sunrise IDE, MegaSCSI all use different partitioning 
schemes, afaik.

I can send you this sector, if you tell me how to get it. If I had 
the appropriate bios call with parameters I should be able to get it.

>  How many people you know that own a Novaxis interface? Do
> they have the latest BIOS (1.50) installed?
>  Anybody knows what the LUN parameter (Logical UNit) means for
> the Novaxis interface? Is it important? The docs I have say that LUN
> is usually 0. Can I use LUN allways equal to 0?

Novaxis is pretty common in Holland. I have one, and yes, its bios is 
1.51 (there is a more recent version).

P.S. UZIX rules.


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