Richard Bosch wrote:
> As Mari also meant me as a owner of the configuration i gues i don't have to
> mention that. (oops i did now)
>>At 11:40 25-8-01 +0200, you wrote:
>>>>By the way how many games where released for the GFX 9000.
>>>>2 ? (bomberbattle  and the really crappy pacnac one ?)
>>>I really don't know... Maybe people on this mailinglist can tell us which
>>>software/games are developed for GFX9000...
>>X-Tazy (Abyss), Project Banshee (TNI), GBASIC (Sunrise)
> X-Tazy
> the last thing i heard about this game was they stopt the project.

The last thing I heard was that they actually wanted to finish it afterall. 
  This was Mi-Chi speaking in Tilburg 2001.

> Project Banshee
> Where can i find info about this?
This project is dead, since the guy who haves the source codes vanished 
without a trace. At least, that's what people of TNI told me. :-)
Grtjs, Manuel

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