On Fri, 25 Jul 2003, Alex Wulms wrote:

> However, I have done some search on the internet (via google) and found that 
> the exact timing of hsync (the horizontal synchronization) slightly differs 
> between pal and ntsc. I know (from the v9938 databook) that the v9938 comes 
> in three versions. I have always wondered about the difference. I suspect now 

Yes, it differs, the fact is that there is lot more differencies in pal
and ntsc system than it's usually thought. First is the 50 and 60Hz, that
can be changed easily in MSX. Then the colour system is actually different
also (this shouldn't cause trouble in RGB system however). And last one is
that there are more lines drawn in PAL than in NTSC. NTSC uses 525 lines
(and 30 FPS) against PAL 625 lines (and 25 FPS). Also colour signal
frequency is different between these systems...

> that at least one of those versions uses the pal hsync timing and that at 
> least one of the others will use the ntsc hsync timing. In which case it is 
> plausible that the nms8250 (and also other models for the dutch market) will 
> contain the version with the pal hsync timing. My suspicion is now that the 
> pal encoder in the nms8250 will get confused by the csync signal of the 
> v9958, since that one will contain the ntsc hsync timing. This could explain 
> the color loss on the composite signal.

> Is there any ntsc/pal/video specialist who can confirm the above theory? 
> Because I'm not totally sure.

Sounds interesting theory, but I wont confirm that. It's far possible but
I would need to get oscilloscope for checking out what happens there
actually :-)

Yeah, I have V9958 and NMS8280 already...

        Greetings: Saku Taipale, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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