
On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 16:01:02 +0100, Wynke Stulemeijer wrote:
>So what I was wondering is if there is anyone on the list who really
>wants to be able to post in HTML (rather than set their mail client to
>plain text), and if there is anyone who really doesn't want to receive
>HTML e-mail. I have been looking at the options, and it *might* be
>possible (although I am not sure yet) to convert HTML mails to plain
>text rather than just reject them - how would people feel about that?

  It would be nice if the html could be converted to TXT. 
Besides the fact HTML adds 'features' to the text, it makes the
message huge, adding many unusefull control codes and may 
create some security holes.
  Also, sometimes I use mail readers that do not support HTML
format (and I believe I'm not the only one) and the message
is simply not shown, if there is not a "plain text" attachment.
Finally, no MSX Mail Reader support HTML... so... q^=

  Just my 2 cents.
Daniel Caetano

MSX mailing list (msx@stack.nl)
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