Il 04/01/2011 16.10, Patriek Lesparre ha scritto:
I don't know a lot about electronics, but maybe the PSU in your 8280 is going bad, and putting it in the other machine charged the capacitors on the board just enough to work again with the bad PSU for a while. If that's the case, the wavyness should return.

Just an idea :)

Yes, i'm thinking about a psu problem too, or a strange combination between the psu and the different revision of the msx. Because the first test i made, around one month ago, was to swap the psu between the two machine, but nothing changed at the time. And all the latest test i made were made with one psu (the Phonola one) on booth the machines. I think that some componentes on the bad video board has been "resetted" by different voltages in the Phonola. The Phonola is unmodified and the Philips is modded to 2+ (V9958, 7mhz, internal 1mb, dos2, basic3).

Dunno :)

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