First, make sure that you set up the remote repository correctly. 

        I have indeed setup the repository currectly. My repository can be
found at -

Then make sure that you uploaded the public key correctly, and that you 
connect with the correct username.  Do this by connecting via ssh directly 
to (if it succeeds, it will complain that it is not a shell, 
but you will know that it works).

        I have given the public key when registering. I generated the keys
with puttygen. I am not sure if the comment part 
        Generated in the keys should be included. I tried connecting to with putty. In the ssh Auth part I asked 
        it to use the corresponding private key and when I supplied my
username in the SSH console it said - public key refused by the server

Then make sure that you have the correct remote url when pushing; git:// 
is _not_ correct, and neither is http://.  You should use ssh://.

Also, try "git ls-remote" with that url first.  If that complains, you 
probably forgot the /srv/git, or have an extra colon in your url.

        I copied the entire push url in git-bash and did a git ls-remote on
that. The most irritating part comes here when it 
        Says <username>'s password where username is my Windows
login username. Why would it do that ? Also, when I tried
        Contacting git guys in IRC they asked me to paste the ssh keys in
.ssh folder in ~. But I am not in a linux box where I have 
        my home directory.

If it still fails, it might be helpful to give us enough information to 
work with (i.e. exact command lines, exact outputs, exact error 


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