### AMTA 2020 Workshop on the Impact of Machine Translation (iMpacT 2020)
**September 8, 2020**

This workshop is part of AMTA 2020, to be held in Orlando, Florida, September 
8-12, 2020.

Machine Translation is here to stay. For many years, MT has seen advances in 
the quality of output, the number of users, language pair and domain coverage, 
as well as the number of enterprises investing in MT. MT is now an integral 
part of most CAT tools and post-editing is a de facto task required from 
language professionals in many domains. The introduction and wide-scale 
adoption of NMT has boosted this even more. Languages and domains that were not 
supported previously are now serious contenders for MT, at least for gisting, 
if not for more. As MT becomes more and more mainstream, an increasing number 
of people are interacting with it, for a variety of purposes, even beyond the 
commercial language industry. The 2020 AMTA conference is therefore an 
excellent moment in time to take stock of the nature of this interaction, the 
impact to date and the potential impact into the future.

We invite contributions from a broad range of stakeholders (including 
developers, LSPs, publishers, translators) in order to record and discuss this 
impact. Speakers are expected to address some of the following topics, or 
related ones:

* MT and expectations on translator productivity, including productivity 
* MT and its potential ecological impact, negative or positive?
* MT and its impact on natural language, especially concerning bias and 
* MT and its impact on cognition (e.g. understanding, readability, usability)
* MT and ethics, including topics such as fair payment for editing, tracking, 
data privacy
* MT literacy for non-conventional users (academics, health professionals, 
emergency responders, etc…)
* MT and future translator training
* MT and second language learning
* MT and modes of interaction for post-editing, e.g. interactive vs. traditional
* MT and user interfaces, in particular the blurring between TM and MT tools

Abstracts should be between 300 and 500 words, excluding any references, and in 

## Submission instructions

Please submit your abstract no later than 11:59 pm PDT (GMT – 12 hours), 
Friday, May 15, 2020. Submit your PDF file to the iMpacT organizers by email:

* Sharon O'Brien: sharon.obr...@dcu.ie<mailto:sharon.obr...@dcu.ie>
* Michel Simard: 

## Multiple Submissions

Work presented at iMpacT must represent new work that has not been previously 
published. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to inform the organizers 
of any potential problem with respect to this requirement. Authors submitting 
similar work both to iMpacT and another conference or workshop must inform the 
iMpacT organizers, specifying to which other conference or workshop they are 
submitting their work.

## Notification of Acceptance

Authors will be notified of acceptance by May 29, 2020. Abstracts will be 
evaluated based on their relevance to the workshop theme, potential for a 
stimulating presentation, potential appeal to the target audience, and overall 
quality. Accepted abstracts will be presented as 20 minute presentations at the 
Workshop (with 10 for discussion). Note that at least one author must register 
for the Workshop.

## Important Dates:

* Submission of extended abstracts: 15 May 2020
* Notifications: 29 May 2020
* Workshop: 8 September 2020

Michel Simard
National Research Council Canada

Mt-list site list

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