What exactly do you want to do?

For example, Cisco's MTT files simply list a huge number of different mpirun command lines in the MPI Details section (25, in one case, IIRC). So I run lots of different cases for each MPI test (e.g., with leave pinned, without leave pinned, ...etc.).

On Nov 3, 2008, at 10:45 AM, Ethan Mallove wrote:

On Mon, Nov/03/2008 09:34:07AM, Mike Dubman wrote:
  Hello Guys,

  Please suggest the proper way to handle the following:

  Is there any way to run "test run" section with a list
  of "mpi_details" sections?


There is currently no way to iterate over multiple
mpi_details sections, but there might be an acceptable
workaround. You can create a simple wrapper script to
iterate over variations of your MPI details section using
command line INI file overrides (see
https://svn.open-mpi.org/trac/mtt/wiki/INIOverrides). E.g.,
say you have the following MPI details section:

 [MPI details: Open MPI]
 foo = some default value
 bar = some default value
 exec = mpirun @foo@ @bar@ ...

Using command-line INI overrides, you can iterate over a
series of values for "foo" and/or "bar":

 $ client/mtt --scratch /some/dir ...
 $ client/mtt --scratch /some/dir --test-run foo=abc ...
 $ client/mtt --scratch /some/dir --test-run foo=def ...
 $ client/mtt --scratch /some/dir --test-run bar=uvw ...
 $ client/mtt --scratch /some/dir --test-run bar=xyz ...

Note in the above example, we use the same scratch directory
for all the runs, and we run only the test run phase (via
the --test-run option) since we do not need to reinstall or
rebuild anything as we iterate over different command lines.

Could the above be of use for what you're trying to do?


  Or how to execute specific "Test run" section against
  specific "mpi_details" section, where "mpi_details" can
  have many different scenarios of command line
  parameters (i.e. single mpi_details should be executed
  a number of times equal to the number of available
  scenarios for this mpi_details)? Is that possible? (it
  is similar to the @np param treatment available inside
  mpi_details section)



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Cisco Systems

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