On Feb 10, 2010, at 1:45 AM, Mike Dubman wrote:

> The GDS files use libyaml interfaces (there is no explictic 'use Syck'
> in the code). I think it is implicit dependancy of one of the perl
> modules or when you do "yum install libyaml perl-Yaml --> it brings syck
> as well)

It seems to be coming from bquery.pl (I didn't try breport.pl yet) -- if I 
don't have YAML::Syck installed, perl complains that it can't find it in @INC.  

> > I'm testing bquery.pl -- unfortunately, I'm behind some
> > proxies in the Cisco lab environment.  I'll see if I can add
> > proxy support...
> It works for us behind the proxy with HTTP_PROXY shell vars.

I committed some changes to bquery.pl last night for this.  The issue is that 
$ENV{http_proxy} is unfortunately overloaded by multiple different apps and 
environments -- some require the value to be of the form:


Others (like LWP) require it to be of the form


In my environment, I use the former (with no scheme).  So I added some code in 
bquery.pl to check and see if there is no scheme at the beginning of 
$ENV{http_proxy}.  If there isn't, add the same scheme that is at the prefix of 
the URL that we're submitting to.

Jeff Squyres

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