I can infer that you have an MPI Install section labeled
"odin 64 bit gcc". A few questions:

* What is the mpi_get for that section (or how does that
  parameter get filled in by your automated scripts)?  
* Do you start with a fresh scratch tree every run?
* Could you email me your scratch/installs/mpi_installs.xml

I checked on how widespread this issue is, and found that
18,700 out of 474,000 Test Run rows in the past month have a
mpi_version/command (v1.2-trunk) mismatch. Occuring in both
directions (version=1.2, command=trunk and vice versa).
They occur on these clusters:

 Cisco MPI development cluster
 IU Odin
 IU - Thor - TESTING

There *is* that race condition in which one mtt submitting
could overwrite another's index. Do you have "trunk" and
"1.2" runs submitting to the database at the same time?

On Sun, Nov/12/2006 06:04:17PM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) wrote:
>    I feel somewhat better now.  Ethan - can you fix?
>     -----Original Message-----
>    From:   Tim Mattox [[1]mailto:timat...@open-mpi.org]
>    Sent:   Sunday, November 12, 2006 05:34 PM Eastern Standard Time
>    To:     General user list for the MPI Testing Tool
>    Subject:        [MTT users] Corrupted MTT database or incorrucet query
>    Hello,
>    I just noticed that the MTT summary page is presenting
>    incorrect information for our recent runs at IU.  It is
>    showing failures for the 1.2b1 that actaully came from
>    the trunk!  See the first entry in this table:
>    http://www.open-mpi.org/mtt/reporter.php?&maf_start_test_timestamp=200
>    6-11-12%2019:12:02%20through%202006-11-12%2022:12:02&ft_platform_id=co
>    ntains&tf_platform_id=IU&maf_phase=runs&maf_success=fail&by_atom=*by_t
>    est_case&go=Table&maf_agg_timestamp=-&mef_mpi_name=All&mef_mpi_version
>    =All&mef_os_name=All&mef_os_version=All&mef_platform_hardware=All&mef_
>    platform_id=All&agg_platform_id=off&1-page=off&no_bookmarks&no_bookmar
>    ks
>    Click on the [i] in the upper right (the first entry)
>    to get the popup window which shows the MPIRrun cmd as:
>    mpirun -mca btl tcp,sm,self -np 6 --prefix
>    /san/homedirs/mpiteam/mtt-runs/odin/20061112-Testing-NOCLN/parallel-bl
>    ock-3/installs/ompi-nightly-trunk/odin_64_bit_gcc/1.3a1r12559/install
>    dynamic/spawn Note the path has "1.3a1r12559" in the
>    name... it's a run from the trunk, yet the table showed
>    this as a 1.2b1 run.  There are several of these
>    missattributed errors.  This would explain why Jeff saw
>    some ddt errors on the 1.2 brach yesterday, but was
>    unable to reproduce them.  They were from the trunk!
>    --
>    Tim Mattox - [2]http://homepage.mac.com/tmattox/
>     tmat...@gmail.com || timat...@open-mpi.org
>        I'm a bright... [3]http://www.the-brights.net/
>    _______________________________________________
>    mtt-users mailing list
>    mtt-us...@open-mpi.org
>    [4]http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-users
> References
>    1. mailto:timat...@open-mpi.org
>    2. http://homepage.mac.com/tmattox/
>    3. http://www.the-brights.net/
>    4. http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-users

> _______________________________________________
> mtt-users mailing list
> mtt-us...@open-mpi.org
> http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-users


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