Hi all:

I am new to MTT. Today I applied for one MTT account and got the
confirmation mail with password. But I failed to run client/mtt after
setting mttdatabase_username, mttdatabase_password and
mttdatabase_platform. Following message is printed out:

[root@valiant MTT]#  client/mtt -d --force -f
Debug is 1, Verbose is 1
Evaluating: https://www.open-mpi.org/mtt/submit/
Evaluating: OMPI
Evaluating: redhat
   Set HTTP credentials for realm "OMPI"
MTTDatabase getting a client serial number...
MTTDatabase trying proxy:  / Default (none)
*** WARNING: >> Failed test ping to MTTDatabase URL:
*** WARNING: >> Error was: 401 Authorization Required
    <title>401 Authorization Required</title>
    <h1>Authorization Required</h1>
    <p>This server could not verify that you
    are authorized to access the document
    requested.  Either you supplied the wrong
    credentials (e.g., bad password), or your
    browser doesn't understand how to supply
    the credentials required.</p>
    <address>Apache Server at www.open-mpi.org Port 443</address>

I tried to open https://www.open-mpi.org/mtt/submit/ and
https://www.open-mpi.org:443/mtt/submit/. Account/password is required. But
I also failed to login in. Does MTT database use different account?


Wen Hao Wang
Email: wangw...@cn.ibm.com

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