Vishal --

(moving to the MTT user's list)

Did your problem get resolved?

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Vishal Shorrghar" <>
Date: December 1, 2009 1:45:26 AM EST
Subject: [OMPI users] MTT trivial test is getting failed:
Reply-To: "Open MPI Users" <>

I tried to run trivial test between two nodes, it seems to be running  without any memory issue ,but it gives some error(path mismatch like its taking openmpi 1.3.2 instead of 1.3.3) while fetching/executing  some test  binaries i.e. cxx_ring, c_ring etc. I am using openmpi-1.3.3.path is /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.3.3,installed through OFED daily build.
Output is attached. Please guide me on this.
Debug is 1, Verbose is 1
*** MTT: ../client/mtt --debug -
*** Running on mughal
Chdir ../client
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples
Copying: stdin to /tmp/DAeod33kUB.ini
Expanding include_file(s) parameters in /tmp/DAeod33kUB.ini
Reading ini file: stdin
Validating INI inifile: /tmp/QWi6beuXYK.ini
FilterINI: Final list of sections:
       [mpi details: open mpi]
       [mpi get: my installation]
       [mpi install: my installation]
       [reporter: text file backup]
       [test get: trivial]
       [test build: trivial]
       [test run: trivial]
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT scratch
Value returning: 
scratch: .
scratch resolved: /root/mtt-svn/samples
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT fast_scratch
Value returning: 
fast_scratch: /root/mtt-svn/samples
fast_scratch resolved: /root/mtt-svn/samples
*** Main scratch tree: /root/mtt-svn/samples
*** Fast scratch tree: /root/mtt-svn/samples
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT force
Value returning: 1
Making dir: /root/mtt-svn/samples/sources (cwd: /root/mtt-svn/samples)
Making dir: /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs (cwd: /root/mtt-svn/samples)
Making dir: /root/mtt-svn/samples/test_runs (cwd: /root/mtt-svn/samples)
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT funclet_files
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT hostfile
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT hostlist
Value returning: 
>> Got default hostlist:,, max_np: 2
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT max_np
Value returning: 8
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT textwrap
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT drain_timeout
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT trim_save_successful
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT trim_save_failed
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT trial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT http_proxy
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT https_proxy
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT ftp_proxy
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT terminate_files
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT pause_files
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT min_disk_free
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT min_disk_free_wait
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT delete_fast_scratch
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT save_fast_scratch_files
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT before_all_exec
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT before_all_exec_timeout
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT before_all_exec_pass
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT before_each_exec
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT before_each_exec_timeout
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT before_each_exec_pass
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT after_all_exec
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT after_all_exec_timeout
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT after_all_exec_pass
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT after_each_exec
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT after_each_exec_timeout
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) MTT after_each_exec_pass
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mtt log_file logfile
Value returning: 
*** Reporter initializing
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: TextFile
>> Initializing reporter module: TextFile
Evaluating: require MTT::Reporter::TextFile
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Reporter::TextFile::Init(@args)
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: hostname: mughal
   uname: Linux mughal 2.6.18-128.el5 #1 SMP Wed Jan 21 10:41:14 EST 2009
   x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
   who am i: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 78
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: $phase-$section-$mpi_name-$mpi_version.txt
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Making dir: /root/mtt-svn/samples (cwd: /root/mtt-svn/samples)
File reporter initialized
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
*** Reporter initialized
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
*** MPI Get phase starting
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/sources
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
>> MPI Get: [mpi get: my installation]
   Checking for new MPI sources...
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi get: my installation
Value returning: AlreadyInstalled
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi get: my installation
Value returning: Open MPI
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi get: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi get: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi get: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi get: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi get: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi get: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi get: my installation
Value returning: 
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/sources
Making dir: mpi_get__my_installation (cwd: /root/mtt-svn/samples/sources)
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/sources/mpi_get__my_installation
Evaluating: require MTT::MPI::Get::AlreadyInstalled
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::MPI::Get::AlreadyInstalled::Get(@args)
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi get: my installation
Value returning: 
>> MTT::FindProgram::FindProgram returning
   Using MPI in: /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.3.3/
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi get: my installation
Value returning: 
*** WARNING: alreadyinstalled_mpi_type was not specified, defaulting to
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi get: my installation
Value returning: 
>> MTT::Values::Functions::MPI::OMPI::get_version returning 1.3.3
>> MTT::MPI::Get::AlreadyInstalled complete
   Got new MPI sources: version 1.3.3
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
*** MPI Get phase complete
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
*** MPI Install phase starting
Making dir: /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install (cwd:
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
>> MPI Install [mpi install: my installation]
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: My Installation
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Checking for [my installation] / [1.3.2] / [my installation]
   Installing MPI: [my installation] / [1.3.2] / [my installation]...
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs
Unique directory: kA6z
Making dir: kA6z (cwd: /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs)
kA6z does not exist -- creating
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install
Unique directory: Ttfp
Making dir: Ttfp (cwd: /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install)
Ttfp does not exist -- creating
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install/Ttfp
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: Analyze::OMPI
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) MTT description
Value returning: 
Pushdir to /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/kA6z
Chdir ..
Chdir my_installation--my_installation--1.3.2
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs
Running command: rm -rf /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/DXzO
Command complete, exit status: 0
Sym linked: kA6z to my_installation--my_installation--1.3.2
Popdir to /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install/Ttfp
Pushdir to /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install/Ttfp
Chdir ..
Chdir my_installation--my_installation--1.3.2
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install
Running command: rm -rf /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install/rH4U
Command complete, exit status: 0
Sym linked: Ttfp to my_installation--my_installation--1.3.2
Popdir to /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install/Ttfp
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install/Ttfp
Running command: rm -rf src
Command complete, exit status: 0
Making dir: src (cwd: /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install/Ttfp)
src does not exist -- creating
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install/Ttfp/src
Evaluating: require MTT::MPI::Get::AlreadyInstalled
Evaluating: $ret =
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install/Ttfp/src
Making dir: /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/kA6z/install (cwd:
/root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/kA6z/install does not exist -- creating
Evaluating: require MTT::MPI::Install::Analyze::OMPI
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::MPI::Install::Analyze::OMPI::Install(@args)
Have C bindings: 1
Have C++ bindings: 0
Have F77 bindings: 0
Have F90 bindings: 0
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
   mpi_bitness bitness
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Scanning fast scratch for files to save:
   /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install/Ttfp (config.log)
Saving files from fast scratch to persistent scratch...
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Evaluating: require MTT::Reporter::TextFile
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Reporter::TextFile::Submit(@args)
File reporter
_get_filename returning
Writing to text file:
>> Reported to text file
Writing to text file:
>> Reported to text file
Writing to text file:
   Completed MPI Install successfully
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Checking for [my installation] / [1.3.3] / [my installation]
   Installing MPI: [my installation] / [1.3.3] / [my installation]...
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs
Unique directory: bTUy
Making dir: bTUy (cwd: /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs)
bTUy does not exist -- creating
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install
Unique directory: FaLb
Making dir: FaLb (cwd: /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install)
FaLb does not exist -- creating
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install/FaLb
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: Analyze::OMPI
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) MTT description
Value returning: 
Pushdir to /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/bTUy
Chdir ..
Chdir my_installation--my_installation--1.3.3
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs
Running command: rm -rf /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/_aOF
Command complete, exit status: 0
Sym linked: bTUy to my_installation--my_installation--1.3.3
Popdir to /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install/FaLb
Pushdir to /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install/FaLb
Chdir ..
Chdir my_installation--my_installation--1.3.3
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install
Running command: rm -rf /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install/1vVM
Command complete, exit status: 0
Sym linked: FaLb to my_installation--my_installation--1.3.3
Popdir to /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install/FaLb
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install/FaLb
Running command: rm -rf src
Command complete, exit status: 0
Making dir: src (cwd: /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install/FaLb)
src does not exist -- creating
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install/FaLb/src
Evaluating: require MTT::MPI::Get::AlreadyInstalled
Evaluating: $ret =
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install/FaLb/src
Making dir: /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/bTUy/install (cwd:
/root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/bTUy/install does not exist -- creating
Evaluating: require MTT::MPI::Install::Analyze::OMPI
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::MPI::Install::Analyze::OMPI::Install(@args)
Have C bindings: 1
Have C++ bindings: 1
Have F77 bindings: 1
Have F90 bindings: 1
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
   mpi_bitness bitness
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi install: my installation
Value returning: 
Scanning fast scratch for files to save:
   /root/mtt-svn/samples/mpi-install/FaLb (config.log)
Saving files from fast scratch to persistent scratch...
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Evaluating: require MTT::Reporter::TextFile
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Reporter::TextFile::Submit(@args)
File reporter
_get_filename returning
Writing to text file:
>> Reported to text file
Writing to text file:
>> Reported to text file
Writing to text file:
   Completed MPI Install successfully
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
*** MPI Install phase complete
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
*** Test Get phase starting
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/sources
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
>> Test Get: [test get: trivial]
   Checking for new test sources...
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test get: trivial module
Value returning: Trivial
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test get: trivial skip_section
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test get: trivial setenv
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test get: trivial unsetenv
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test get: trivial prepend_path
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test get: trivial append_path
Value returning: 
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/sources
Making dir: test_get__trivial (cwd: /root/mtt-svn/samples/sources)
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/sources/test_get__trivial
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Get::Trivial
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Get::Trivial::Get(@args)
Getting Trivial
   Got new test sources
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
*** Test Get phase complete
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
*** Test Build phase starting
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
>> Test Build [test build: trivial]
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial test_get
Value returning: trivial
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
   Building for [my installation] / [1.3.2] / [my installation] / [trivial]
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/kA6z
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial module
Value returning: Trivial
Making dir: tests (cwd: /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/kA6z)
tests does not exist -- creating
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/kA6z/tests
Making dir: trivial (cwd: /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/kA6z/tests)
trivial does not exist -- creating
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/kA6z/tests/trivial
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) MTT description
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
   test_bitness bitness
Value returning: 
Evaluating: require MTT::Common::Copytree
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Common::Copytree::PrepareForInstall(@args)
>> copytree copying to /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/kA6z/tests/trivial
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/kA6z/tests/trivial
Copying directory: /root/mtt-svn/samples/sources/test_get__trivial
Running command: rm -rf test_get__trivial
Command complete, exit status: 0
Running command: cp -r /root/mtt-svn/samples/sources/test_get__trivial .
Command complete, exit status: 0
Chdir test_get__trivial
>> copytree finished copying
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 1
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 1
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 100
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial env_module
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial setenv
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial unsetenv
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Build::Trivial
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Build::Trivial::Build(@args)
Building Trivial
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Test compile/link sample C MPI application
Running command: mpicc  hello.c -o c_hello
Command complete, exit status: 0
Running command: mpicc  ring.c -o c_ring
Command complete, exit status: 0
MPI C++ bindings unavailable; skipping simple compile/link test
MPI F77 bindings unavailable; skipping simple compile/link test
MPI F90 bindings unavailable; skipping simple compile/link test
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Evaluating: require MTT::Reporter::TextFile
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Reporter::TextFile::Submit(@args)
File reporter
_get_filename returning
Writing to text file:
>> Reported to text file
Writing to text file:
>> Reported to text file
Writing to text file:
   Completed test build successfully
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
   Building for [my installation] / [1.3.3] / [my installation] / [trivial]
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/bTUy
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial module
Value returning: Trivial
Making dir: tests (cwd: /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/bTUy)
tests does not exist -- creating
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/bTUy/tests
Making dir: trivial (cwd: /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/bTUy/tests)
trivial does not exist -- creating
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/bTUy/tests/trivial
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) MTT description
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
   test_bitness bitness
Value returning: 
Evaluating: require MTT::Common::Copytree
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Common::Copytree::PrepareForInstall(@args)
>> copytree copying to /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/bTUy/tests/trivial
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/bTUy/tests/trivial
Copying directory: /root/mtt-svn/samples/sources/test_get__trivial
Running command: rm -rf test_get__trivial
Command complete, exit status: 0
Running command: cp -r /root/mtt-svn/samples/sources/test_get__trivial .
Command complete, exit status: 0
Chdir test_get__trivial
>> copytree finished copying
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 1
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 1
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 100
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial env_module
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial setenv
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial unsetenv
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Build::Trivial
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Build::Trivial::Build(@args)
Building Trivial
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test build: trivial
Value returning: 
Test compile/link sample C MPI application
Running command: mpicc  hello.c -o c_hello
Command complete, exit status: 0
Running command: mpicc  ring.c -o c_ring
Command complete, exit status: 0
Test compile/link sample C++ MPI application
Running command: mpicxx -o cxx_hello
Command complete, exit status: 0
Running command: mpicxx -o cxx_ring
Command complete, exit status: 0
Test compile/link sample F77 MPI application
Running command: mpif77  hello.f -o f77_hello
Command complete, exit status: 0
Running command: mpif77  ring.f -o f77_ring
Command complete, exit status: 0
Test compile/link sample F90 MPI application
Running command: mpif90  hello.f90 -o f90_hello
Command complete, exit status: 0
Running command: mpif90  ring.f90 -o f90_ring
Command complete, exit status: 0
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1aab97f0) reporter: text file backup
Value returning: 
Evaluating: require MTT::Reporter::TextFile
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Reporter::TextFile::Submit(@args)
File reporter
_get_filename returning
Writing to text file:
>> Reported to text file
Writing to text file:
>> Reported to text file
Writing to text file:
   Completed test build successfully
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
*** Test Build phase complete
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
*** Test Run phase starting
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
>> Test Run [trivial]
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial test_build
Value returning: trivial
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Found a match! trivial [trivial
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial skip_mpi_get
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial skip_section
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: Simple
>> Running with [my installation] / [1.3.2] / [my installation]
Found mpi_details [open mpi] in MPI get [my installation]
Found MPI details: [open mpi]
   Using MPI Details [open mpi] with MPI Install [my installation]
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: 
Got final exec: mpirun     &if(
           &stringify("--hostfile ", &hostfile()),
               &stringify("--host ", &hostlist()),
       ) -np &test_np() --mca btl openib,sm,self --prefix &test_prefix()
   &test_executable() &test_argv()
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/kA6z/tests/trivial/test_get__trivial
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial env_module
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial env_importer
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial setenv
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial unsetenv
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial prepend_path
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial append_path
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial description
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) MTT description
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: 
Time 10 = 10 seconds
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: 
Time  seconds
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: 
Time 10 = 10 seconds
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: done.
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: 
Time 10 = 10 seconds
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: 
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Specify::Simple
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Specify::Simple::Specify(@args)
   Adding test: ./c_hello (group: only)
   Adding test: ./c_ring (group: only)
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mtt submit_group_results
Value returning: 
Returining reference to an array of a single scalar
Returining reference to an array of a single scalar
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: 
   ### Total tests to run in this section:
   ###        2 test executable(s)
   ###        1 np value(s)
   ###        1 test variant(s)
   ###        2 total mpirun command(s) to run
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
&have_hostfile returning 0
&have_hostlist: returning 1
&have_hostlist: returning 1
&hostlist_hosts returning,
Time 8 = 8 seconds
Running command: mpirun     --host, -np 8 --mca
   btl openib,sm,self --prefix /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.3.2/ ./c_hello 
Timeout: 8 - 1259552291 (vs. now: 1259552283)
OUT:bash: /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.3.2/bin/orted: No such file or directory
OUT:bash: /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.3.2/bin/orted: No such file or directory
   A daemon (pid 5195) died unexpectedly with status 127 while attempting
   to launch so we are aborting.
   There may be more information reported by the environment (see above).
   This may be because the daemon was unable to find all the needed shared
   libraries on the remote node. You may set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to have
   location of the shared libraries on the remote nodes and this will
   automatically be forwarded to the remote nodes.
   mpirun noticed that the job aborted, but has no info as to the process
   that caused that situation.
   mpirun was unable to cleanly terminate the daemons on the nodes shown
   below. Additional manual cleanup may be required - please refer to
   the "orte-clean" tool for assistance.
OUT: - daemon did not report back when launched
  - daemon did not report back when launched
Command complete, exit status: 127
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Analyze
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Analyze::Analyze(@args)
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Analyze::Correctness
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Analyze::Correctness::Analyze(@args)
*** WARNING: Test: c_hello, np=8, variant=1: FAILED
Making dir:
   llation/trivial/trivial/c_hello (cwd:
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
&have_hostfile returning 0
&have_hostlist: returning 1
&have_hostlist: returning 1
&hostlist_hosts returning,
Time 8 = 8 seconds
Running command: mpirun     --host, -np 8 --mca
   btl openib,sm,self --prefix /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.3.2/ ./c_ring 
Timeout: 8 - 1259552292 (vs. now: 1259552284)
OUT:bash: /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.3.2/bin/orted: No such file or directory
OUT:bash: /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.3.2/bin/orted: No such file or directory
   A daemon (pid 5203) died unexpectedly with status 127 while attempting
   to launch so we are aborting.
   There may be more information reported by the environment (see above).
   This may be because the daemon was unable to find all the needed shared
   libraries on the remote node. You may set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to have
   location of the shared libraries on the remote nodes and this will
   automatically be forwarded to the remote nodes.
   mpirun noticed that the job aborted, but has no info as to the process
   that caused that situation.
OUT:mpirun: clean termination accomplished
Command complete, exit status: 127
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Analyze
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Analyze::Analyze(@args)
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Analyze::Correctness
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Analyze::Correctness::Analyze(@args)
*** WARNING: Test: c_ring, np=8, variant=1: FAILED
Making dir:
   llation/trivial/trivial/c_ring (cwd:
   ### Test progress: 2 of 2 section test executables complete. Moving on.
Time 10 = 10 seconds
Running step: after_all_exec: done. / timeout 10
Running command: done.
Timeout: 10 - 1259552296 (vs. now: 1259552286)
OUT:Can't execute command: done.
   Error: No such file or directory
Command complete, exit status: 2
  Warning: step after_all_exec FAILED
  Output: Can't execute command: done.
  Error: No such file or directory
Evaluating: require MTT::Reporter::TextFile
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Reporter::TextFile::Submit(@args)
File reporter
_get_filename returning
_get_filename returning
Writing to text file:
>> Reported to text file
Writing to text file:
>> Reported to text file
Writing to text file:
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
Found a match! trivial [trivial
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial skip_mpi_get
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial skip_section
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: Simple
>> Running with [my installation] / [1.3.3] / [my installation]
Found mpi_details [open mpi] in MPI get [my installation]
Found MPI details: [open mpi]
   Using MPI Details [open mpi] with MPI Install [my installation]
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: 
Got final exec: mpirun     &if(
           &stringify("--hostfile ", &hostfile()),
               &stringify("--host ", &hostlist()),
       ) -np &test_np() --mca btl openib,sm,self --prefix &test_prefix()
   &test_executable() &test_argv()
Chdir /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/bTUy/tests/trivial/test_get__trivial
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial env_module
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial env_importer
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial setenv
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial unsetenv
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial prepend_path
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial append_path
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial description
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) MTT description
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: 
Time 10 = 10 seconds
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: 
Time  seconds
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: 
Time 10 = 10 seconds
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: done.
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: 
Time 10 = 10 seconds
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mpi details: open mpi
Value returning: 
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Specify::Simple
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Specify::Simple::Specify(@args)
   Adding test: ./cxx_ring (group: only)
   Adding test: ./f77_hello (group: only)
   Adding test: ./f90_hello (group: only)
   Adding test: ./c_hello (group: only)
   Adding test: ./f90_ring (group: only)
   Adding test: ./f77_ring (group: only)
   Adding test: ./c_ring (group: only)
   Adding test: ./cxx_hello (group: only)
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) mtt submit_group_results
Value returning: 
Returining reference to an array of a single scalar
Returining reference to an array of a single scalar
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: 
Value got: Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x1ab04720) test run: trivial
Value returning: 
   ### Total tests to run in this section:
   ###        8 test executable(s)
   ###        1 np value(s)
   ###        1 test variant(s)
   ###        8 total mpirun command(s) to run
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
&have_hostfile returning 0
&have_hostlist: returning 1
&have_hostlist: returning 1
&hostlist_hosts returning,
Time 8 = 8 seconds
Running command: mpirun     --host, -np 8 --mca
   btl openib,sm,self --prefix /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.3.3/ ./cxx_ring 
Timeout: 8 - 1259552294 (vs. now: 1259552286)
   mpirun was unable to launch the specified application as it could not
   or execute an executable:
   Executable: ./cxx_ring
   while attempting to start process rank 1.
Command complete, exit status: 131
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Analyze
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Analyze::Analyze(@args)
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Analyze::Correctness
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Analyze::Correctness::Analyze(@args)
*** WARNING: Test: cxx_ring, np=8, variant=1: FAILED
Making dir:
   llation/trivial/trivial/cxx_ring (cwd:
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
&have_hostfile returning 0
&have_hostlist: returning 1
&have_hostlist: returning 1
&hostlist_hosts returning,
Time 8 = 8 seconds
Running command: mpirun     --host, -np 8 --mca
   btl openib,sm,self --prefix /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.3.3/ ./f77_hello 
Timeout: 8 - 1259552295 (vs. now: 1259552287)
   mpirun was unable to launch the specified application as it could not
   or execute an executable:
   Executable: ./f77_hello
   while attempting to start process rank 0.
Command complete, exit status: 131
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Analyze
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Analyze::Analyze(@args)
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Analyze::Correctness
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Analyze::Correctness::Analyze(@args)
*** WARNING: Test: f77_hello, np=8, variant=1: FAILED
Making dir:
   llation/trivial/trivial/f77_hello (cwd:
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
&have_hostfile returning 0
&have_hostlist: returning 1
&have_hostlist: returning 1
&hostlist_hosts returning,
Time 8 = 8 seconds
Running command: mpirun     --host, -np 8 --mca
   btl openib,sm,self --prefix /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.3.3/ ./f90_hello 
Timeout: 8 - 1259552296 (vs. now: 1259552288)
   mpirun was unable to launch the specified application as it could not
   or execute an executable:
   Executable: ./f90_hello
   while attempting to start process rank 1.
Command complete, exit status: 131
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Analyze
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Analyze::Analyze(@args)
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Analyze::Correctness
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Analyze::Correctness::Analyze(@args)
*** WARNING: Test: f90_hello, np=8, variant=1: FAILED
Making dir:
   llation/trivial/trivial/f90_hello (cwd:
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
&have_hostfile returning 0
&have_hostlist: returning 1
&have_hostlist: returning 1
&hostlist_hosts returning,
Time 8 = 8 seconds
Running command: mpirun     --host, -np 8 --mca
   btl openib,sm,self --prefix /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.3.3/ ./c_hello 
Timeout: 8 - 1259552297 (vs. now: 1259552289)
   mpirun was unable to launch the specified application as it could not
   or execute an executable:
   Executable: ./c_hello
   while attempting to start process rank 0.
OUT:2 total processes failed to start
Command complete, exit status: 131
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Analyze
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Analyze::Analyze(@args)
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Analyze::Correctness
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Analyze::Correctness::Analyze(@args)
*** WARNING: Test: c_hello, np=8, variant=1: FAILED
Making dir:
   llation/trivial/trivial/c_hello (cwd:
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
&have_hostfile returning 0
&have_hostlist: returning 1
&have_hostlist: returning 1
&hostlist_hosts returning,
Time 8 = 8 seconds
Running command: mpirun     --host, -np 8 --mca
   btl openib,sm,self --prefix /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.3.3/ ./f90_ring 
Timeout: 8 - 1259552299 (vs. now: 1259552291)
   mpirun was unable to launch the specified application as it could not
   or execute an executable:
   Executable: ./f90_ring
   while attempting to start process rank 0.
Command complete, exit status: 131
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Analyze
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Analyze::Analyze(@args)
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Analyze::Correctness
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Analyze::Correctness::Analyze(@args)
*** WARNING: Test: f90_ring, np=8, variant=1: FAILED
Making dir:
   llation/trivial/trivial/f90_ring (cwd:
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
&have_hostfile returning 0
&have_hostlist: returning 1
&have_hostlist: returning 1
&hostlist_hosts returning,
Time 8 = 8 seconds
Running command: mpirun     --host, -np 8 --mca
   btl openib,sm,self --prefix /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.3.3/ ./f77_ring 
Timeout: 8 - 1259552300 (vs. now: 1259552292)
   mpirun was unable to launch the specified application as it could not
   or execute an executable:
   Executable: ./f77_ring
   while attempting to start process rank 1.
Command complete, exit status: 131
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Analyze
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Analyze::Analyze(@args)
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Analyze::Correctness
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Analyze::Correctness::Analyze(@args)
*** WARNING: Test: f77_ring, np=8, variant=1: FAILED
Making dir:
   llation/trivial/trivial/f77_ring (cwd:
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
&have_hostfile returning 0
&have_hostlist: returning 1
&have_hostlist: returning 1
&hostlist_hosts returning,
Time 8 = 8 seconds
Running command: mpirun     --host, -np 8 --mca
   btl openib,sm,self --prefix /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.3.3/ ./c_ring 
Timeout: 8 - 1259552301 (vs. now: 1259552293)
   mpirun was unable to launch the specified application as it could not
   or execute an executable:
   Executable: ./c_ring
   while attempting to start process rank 1.
Command complete, exit status: 131
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Analyze
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Analyze::Analyze(@args)
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Analyze::Correctness
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Analyze::Correctness::Analyze(@args)
*** WARNING: Test: c_ring, np=8, variant=1: FAILED
Making dir:
   llation/trivial/trivial/c_ring (cwd:
Global min free specified as: 5%, resolved as 2539267072
&have_hostfile returning 0
&have_hostlist: returning 1
&have_hostlist: returning 1
&hostlist_hosts returning,
Time 8 = 8 seconds
Running command: mpirun     --host, -np 8 --mca
   btl openib,sm,self --prefix /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.3.3/ ./cxx_hello 
Timeout: 8 - 1259552302 (vs. now: 1259552294)
   mpirun was unable to launch the specified application as it could not
   or execute an executable:
   Executable: ./cxx_hello
   while attempting to start process rank 0.
OUT:2 total processes failed to start
Command complete, exit status: 131
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Analyze
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Analyze::Analyze(@args)
Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Analyze::Correctness
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Analyze::Correctness::Analyze(@args)
*** WARNING: Test: cxx_hello, np=8, variant=1: FAILED
Making dir:
   llation/trivial/trivial/cxx_hello (cwd:
   ### Test progress: 8 of 8 section test executables complete. Moving on.
Time 10 = 10 seconds
Running step: after_all_exec: done. / timeout 10
Running command: done.
Timeout: 10 - 1259552305 (vs. now: 1259552295)
OUT:Can't execute command: done.
   Error: No such file or directory
Command complete, exit status: 2
  Warning: step after_all_exec FAILED
  Output: Can't execute command: done.
  Error: No such file or directory
Evaluating: require MTT::Reporter::TextFile
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Reporter::TextFile::Submit(@args)
File reporter
_get_filename returning
_get_filename returning
_get_filename returning
_get_filename returning
_get_filename returning
_get_filename returning
_get_filename returning
_get_filename returning
Writing to text file:
>> Reported to text file
Writing to text file:
>> Reported to text file
Writing to text file:
*** Run test phase complete
*** Reporter finalizing
Evaluating: require MTT::Reporter::TextFile
Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Reporter::TextFile::Finalize(@args)

MTT Results Summary
hostname: mughal
uname: Linux mughal 2.6.18-128.el5 #1 SMP Wed Jan 21 10:41:14 EST 2009 x86_64 
x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
who am i: 
_get_filename returning
_get_filename returning
_get_filename returning
_get_filename returning
_get_filename returning
_get_filename returning
| Phase       | Section         | MPI Version | Duration | Pass | Fail | Time 
out | Skip | Detailed report                                        |
| MPI Install | my installation | 1.3.2       | 00:00    | 1    |      |        
  |      | MPI_Install-my_installation-my_installation-1.3.2.html |
| MPI Install | my installation | 1.3.3       | 00:00    | 1    |      |        
  |      | MPI_Install-my_installation-my_installation-1.3.3.html |
| Test Build  | trivial         | 1.3.2       | 00:00    | 1    |      |        
  |      | Test_Build-trivial-my_installation-1.3.2.html          |
| Test Build  | trivial         | 1.3.3       | 00:02    | 1    |      |        
  |      | Test_Build-trivial-my_installation-1.3.3.html          |
| Test Run    | trivial         | 1.3.2       | 00:03    |      | 2    |        
  |      | Test_Run-trivial-my_installation-1.3.2.html            |
| Test Run    | trivial         | 1.3.3       | 00:09    |      | 8    |        
  |      | Test_Run-trivial-my_installation-1.3.3.html            |

    Total Tests:    14
    Total Failures: 10
    Total Passed:   4
    Total Duration: 14 secs. (00:14)

hostname: mughal
uname: Linux mughal 2.6.18-128.el5 #1 SMP Wed Jan 21 10:41:14 EST 2009 x86_64 
x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
who am i: 

| Phase       | Section         | MPI Version | Duration | Pass | Fail | Time 
out | Skip | Detailed report                                        |
| MPI Install | my installation | 1.3.2       | 00:00    | 1    |      |        
  |      | MPI_Install-my_installation-my_installation-1.3.2.html |
| MPI Install | my installation | 1.3.3       | 00:00    | 1    |      |        
  |      | MPI_Install-my_installation-my_installation-1.3.3.html |
| Test Build  | trivial         | 1.3.2       | 00:00    | 1    |      |        
  |      | Test_Build-trivial-my_installation-1.3.2.html          |
| Test Build  | trivial         | 1.3.3       | 00:02    | 1    |      |        
  |      | Test_Build-trivial-my_installation-1.3.3.html          |
| Test Run    | trivial         | 1.3.2       | 00:03    |      | 2    |        
  |      | Test_Run-trivial-my_installation-1.3.2.html            |
| Test Run    | trivial         | 1.3.3       | 00:09    |      | 8    |        
  |      | Test_Run-trivial-my_installation-1.3.3.html            |

    Total Tests:    14
    Total Failures: 10
    Total Passed:   4
    Total Duration: 14 secs. (00:14)


Writing to text file: /root/mtt-svn/samples/All_phase-summary.txt
>> Reported to text file /root/mtt-svn/samples/All_phase-summary.txt
Writing to text file: /root/mtt-svn/samples/All_phase-summary.html
>> Reported to text file /root/mtt-svn/samples/All_phase-summary.html
*** Reporter finalized
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Jeff Squyres

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