Hi Vishal,

This is an MTT question for mtt-us...@open-mpi.org (see comments

On Tue, Dec/22/2009 03:54:08PM, vishal shorghar wrote:
>    Hi All,
>    I have one issue with MTT trivial tests.All tests are not getting
>    passed,Please read below for detailed description.
>    Today I ran mtt trivial tests with latest ofed package
>    OFED-1.5-20091217-0600 (ompi-1.4), between two machines,I was  able to run
>    the MTT trivial tests manually but not through MTT framework. I think we
>    are missing some configuration steps since it is unable to find the test
>    executables in the test run phase of the MTT.
>    -> When we ran it through MTT it gave us the error and exits.
>    I ran the test as  "cat developer.ini trivial.ini | ../client/mtt
>    --verbose - "
>    -> When we analyzed error from
>    /root/mtt-svn/samples/Test_Run-trivial-my_installation-1.4.txt file we
>    found it is not getting the executable files of the different test to
>    execute.
>    -> Then we found that those executables were being generated only on one
>    of the machine out of two machines. So, we manually copied the tests  from
>    /root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/nRpF/tests/trivial/test_get__trivial/c_ring
>    to another machine.
>    -> And we ran it manually as shown below and it worked fine:
>    mpirun --host, -np 2 --mca btl openib,sm,self
>    --prefix
> /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.4/root/mtt-svn/samples/installs/nRpF/tests/trivial/test_get__trivial/c_ring
>    -> I am attaching file trivial.ini,developer.ini and
>    /root/mtt-svn/samples/Test_Run-trivial-my_installation-1.4.txt.
>    Let us know if I am  missing some configuration steps.

You need to set your scratch directory (via the --scratch option) to
an NFS share that is accessible to all nodes in your hostlist.  MTT
won't copy local files onto each node for you.


>    NOTE:
>    ====
>    It gave me following output at the end of execution of test command and
>    the same is saved in /root/mtt-svn/samples/All_phase-summary.txt
>    hostname: nizam
>    uname: Linux nizam 2.6.18-128.el5 #1 SMP Wed Jan 21 10:41:14 EST 2009
>    x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>    who am i:
> +-------------+-----------------+-------------+----------+------+------+----------+------+------------------------------------------------------+
>    | Phase       | Section         | MPI Version | Duration | Pass | Fail |
>    Time out | Skip | Detailed report                                      |
> +-------------+-----------------+-------------+----------+------+------+----------+------+------------------------------------------------------+
>    | MPI Install | my installation | 1.4         | 00:00    | 1    |
>    |          |      | MPI_Install-my_installation-my_installation-1.4.html |
>    | Test Build  | trivial         | 1.4         | 00:01    | 1    |
>    |          |      | Test_Build-trivial-my_installation-1.4.html          |
>    | Test Run    | trivial         | 1.4         | 00:10    |      | 8
>    |          |      | Test_Run-trivial-my_installation-1.4.html            |
> +-------------+-----------------+-------------+----------+------+------+----------+------+------------------------------------------------------+
>        Total Tests:    10
>        Total Failures: 8
>        Total Passed:   2
>        Total Duration: 11 secs. (00:11)
>    Thanks  & Regards,
>    Vishal shorghar
>    MTS
>    Chelsio Communication

> #
> # Copyright (c) 2007 Sun Microystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
> #
> # Template MTT configuration file for Open MPI developers.  The intent
> # for this template file is to establish at least some loose
> # guidelines for what Open MPI core developers should be running
> # before committing changes to the OMPI repository. This file is not
> # intended to be an exhaustive sample of all possible fields and
> # values that MTT offers. Each developer will undoubtedly have to
> # edit this template for their own needs (e.g., pick compilers to use,
> # etc.), but this file provides a baseline set of configurations that
> # we intend for you to run.
> #
> # Sample usage:
> #   cat developer.ini intel.ini   | client/mtt - 
> alreadyinstalled_dir=/your/install
> #   cat developer.ini trivial.ini | client/mtt - 
> alreadyinstalled_dir=/your/install
> #
> [MTT]
> # No overrides to defaults
> # Fill this field in
> #hostlist = 
> #hostlist = 
> hostlist = 
> hostlist_max_np = 2 
> max_np = 2
> force = 1
> #prefix = /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.3.4/bin
> #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> [MPI Details: Open MPI]
> exec = mpirun @hosts@ -np &test_np() @mca@ --prefix &test_prefix() 
> &test_executable() &test_argv()
> mca = --mca btl openib,sm,self
> hosts = <<EOT
>     &if(
>         &have_hostfile(),
>         &stringify("--hostfile ", &hostfile()),
>         &if(
>             &have_hostlist(),
>             &stringify("--host ", &hostlist()),
>             ""
>         )
>     )
> # Here is a good place to put any cleanup commands (e.g.,
> # kill a stale process, remove a leftover file, etc.)
> after_all_exec = &shell("echo done.")
> #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> [MPI get: My Installation]
> mpi_details = Open MPI
> # Leave this parameter blank to
> # have MTT search your path for an MPI
> # alreadyinstalled_dir = /your/installation
> module = AlreadyInstalled
> #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> [MPI install: My Installation]
> mpi_get = My Installation
> module = Analyze::OMPI
> #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> [Reporter: text file backup]
> module = TextFile
> textfile_filename = $phase-$section-$mpi_name-$mpi_version.txt
> # User-defined report headers/footers
> textfile_summary_header = <<EOT
> hostname: &shell("hostname")
> uname: &shell("uname -a")
> who am i: &shell("who am i")
> textfile_summary_footer =
> textfile_detail_header  =
> textfile_detail_footer  =
> textfile_textwrap = 78

> +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Field                    | Value                                            
>                              |
> +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | description              |                                                  
>                              |
> | environment              |                                                  
>                              |
> | exit_signal              | -1                                               
>                              |
> | launcher                 | mpirun                                           
>                              |
> | mpi_install_section_name | my installation                                  
>                              |
> | mpi_name                 | my installation                                  
>                              |
> | mpi_version              | 1.4                                              
>                              |
> | network                  |                                                  
>                              |
> | np                       | 2                                                
>                              |
> | parameters               |                                                  
>                              |
> | phase                    | Test Run                                         
>                              |
> | resource_manager         | none                                             
>                              |
> | result_stderr            |                                                  
>                              |
> | test_build_section_name  | trivial                                          
>                              |
> | variant                  | 1                                                
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> | command                  | mpirun      --host, -np 
> 2 --mca btl openib,sm,self     |
> |                          | --prefix /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.4/ ./c_ring      
>                              |
> | duration                 | 1 seconds                                        
>                              |
> | exit_value               | 131                                              
>                              |
> | result_message           | Failed; exit status: 131                         
>                              |
> | result_stdout            | 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------    
> |
> |                          | mpirun was unable to launch the specified 
> application as it could not access  |
> |                          | or execute an executable:                        
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> |                          | Executable: ./c_ring                             
>                              |
> |                          | Node:                               
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> |                          | while attempting to start process rank 0.        
>                              |
> |                          | 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------    
> |
> | start_timestamp          | 1261107371                                       
>                              |
> | start_timestamp_human    | Fri Dec 18 03:36:11 2009                         
>                              |
> | test_name                | c_ring                                           
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> | command                  | mpirun      --host, -np 
> 2 --mca btl openib,sm,self     |
> |                          | --prefix /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.4/ ./cxx_ring    
>                              |
> | duration                 | 2 seconds                                        
>                              |
> | exit_value               | 131                                              
>                              |
> | result_message           | Failed; exit status: 131                         
>                              |
> | result_stdout            | 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------    
> |
> |                          | mpirun was unable to launch the specified 
> application as it could not access  |
> |                          | or execute an executable:                        
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> |                          | Executable: ./cxx_ring                           
>                              |
> |                          | Node:                               
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> |                          | while attempting to start process rank 0.        
>                              |
> |                          | 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------    
> |
> | start_timestamp          | 1261107372                                       
>                              |
> | start_timestamp_human    | Fri Dec 18 03:36:12 2009                         
>                              |
> | test_name                | cxx_ring                                         
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> | command                  | mpirun      --host, -np 
> 2 --mca btl openib,sm,self     |
> |                          | --prefix /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.4/ ./cxx_hello   
>                              |
> | duration                 | 2 seconds                                        
>                              |
> | exit_value               | 131                                              
>                              |
> | result_message           | Failed; exit status: 131                         
>                              |
> | result_stdout            | 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------    
> |
> |                          | mpirun was unable to launch the specified 
> application as it could not access  |
> |                          | or execute an executable:                        
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> |                          | Executable: ./cxx_hello                          
>                              |
> |                          | Node:                               
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> |                          | while attempting to start process rank 0.        
>                              |
> |                          | 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------    
> |
> | start_timestamp          | 1261107374                                       
>                              |
> | start_timestamp_human    | Fri Dec 18 03:36:14 2009                         
>                              |
> | test_name                | cxx_hello                                        
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> | command                  | mpirun      --host, -np 
> 2 --mca btl openib,sm,self     |
> |                          | --prefix /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.4/ ./f90_hello   
>                              |
> | duration                 | 2 seconds                                        
>                              |
> | exit_value               | 131                                              
>                              |
> | result_message           | Failed; exit status: 131                         
>                              |
> | result_stdout            | 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------    
> |
> |                          | mpirun was unable to launch the specified 
> application as it could not access  |
> |                          | or execute an executable:                        
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> |                          | Executable: ./f90_hello                          
>                              |
> |                          | Node:                               
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> |                          | while attempting to start process rank 0.        
>                              |
> |                          | 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------    
> |
> | start_timestamp          | 1261107376                                       
>                              |
> | start_timestamp_human    | Fri Dec 18 03:36:16 2009                         
>                              |
> | test_name                | f90_hello                                        
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> | command                  | mpirun      --host, -np 
> 2 --mca btl openib,sm,self     |
> |                          | --prefix /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.4/ ./f90_ring    
>                              |
> | duration                 | 1 seconds                                        
>                              |
> | exit_value               | 131                                              
>                              |
> | result_message           | Failed; exit status: 131                         
>                              |
> | result_stdout            | 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------    
> |
> |                          | mpirun was unable to launch the specified 
> application as it could not access  |
> |                          | or execute an executable:                        
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> |                          | Executable: ./f90_ring                           
>                              |
> |                          | Node:                               
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> |                          | while attempting to start process rank 0.        
>                              |
> |                          | 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------    
> |
> | start_timestamp          | 1261107378                                       
>                              |
> | start_timestamp_human    | Fri Dec 18 03:36:18 2009                         
>                              |
> | test_name                | f90_ring                                         
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> | command                  | mpirun      --host, -np 
> 2 --mca btl openib,sm,self     |
> |                          | --prefix /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.4/ ./c_hello     
>                              |
> | duration                 | 4 seconds                                        
>                              |
> | exit_value               | 0                                                
>                              |
> | result_message           | Failed; timeout expired (2 seconds) )            
>                              |
> | result_stdout            | 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------    
> |
> |                          | mpirun was unable to launch the specified 
> application as it could not access  |
> |                          | or execute an executable:                        
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> |                          | Executable: ./c_hello                            
>                              |
> |                          | Node:                               
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> |                          | while attempting to start process rank 0.        
>                              |
> |                          | 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------    
> |
> |                          | mpirun: abort is already in progress...hit 
> ctrl-c again to forcibly terminate |
> | start_timestamp          | 1261107379                                       
>                              |
> | start_timestamp_human    | Fri Dec 18 03:36:19 2009                         
>                              |
> | test_name                | c_hello                                          
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> | command                  | mpirun      --host, -np 
> 2 --mca btl openib,sm,self     |
> |                          | --prefix /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.4/ ./f77_hello   
>                              |
> | duration                 | 1 seconds                                        
>                              |
> | exit_value               | 131                                              
>                              |
> | result_message           | Failed; exit status: 131                         
>                              |
> | result_stdout            | 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------    
> |
> |                          | mpirun was unable to launch the specified 
> application as it could not access  |
> |                          | or execute an executable:                        
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> |                          | Executable: ./f77_hello                          
>                              |
> |                          | Node:                               
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> |                          | while attempting to start process rank 0.        
>                              |
> |                          | 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------    
> |
> | start_timestamp          | 1261107383                                       
>                              |
> | start_timestamp_human    | Fri Dec 18 03:36:23 2009                         
>                              |
> | test_name                | f77_hello                                        
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> | command                  | mpirun      --host, -np 
> 2 --mca btl openib,sm,self     |
> |                          | --prefix /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.4/ ./f77_ring    
>                              |
> | duration                 | 1 seconds                                        
>                              |
> | exit_value               | 131                                              
>                              |
> | result_message           | Failed; exit status: 131                         
>                              |
> | result_stdout            | 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------    
> |
> |                          | mpirun was unable to launch the specified 
> application as it could not access  |
> |                          | or execute an executable:                        
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> |                          | Executable: ./f77_ring                           
>                              |
> |                          | Node:                               
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> |                          | while attempting to start process rank 0.        
>                              |
> |                          | 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------    
> |
> | start_timestamp          | 1261107385                                       
>                              |
> | start_timestamp_human    | Fri Dec 18 03:36:25 2009                         
>                              |
> | test_name                | f77_ring                                         
>                              |
> |                          |                                                  
>                              |
> +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

> #
> # Copyright (c) 2007 Sun Microystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
> #
> #
> # This INI file is an addendum to samples/developer.ini (which only
> # contains Trivial tests).
> #
> # Sample usage:
> # cat developer.ini trivial.ini | client/mtt - 
> alreadyinstalled_dir=/your/install
> #
> [Test get: trivial]
> module = Trivial
> #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> [Test build: trivial]
> test_get = trivial
> save_stdout_on_success = 1
> merge_stdout_stderr = 1
> stderr_save_lines = 100
> module = Trivial
> #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> [Test run: trivial]
> test_build = trivial
> pass = &and(&cmd_wifexited(), &eq(&cmd_wexitstatus(), 0))
> timeout = &test_np()
> save_stdout_on_pass = 1
> merge_stdout_stderr = 1
> stdout_save_lines = 100
> np = &env_max_procs()
> specify_module = Simple
> simple_only:tests = &find_executables(".")
> #----------------------------------------------------------------------

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> us...@open-mpi.org
> http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/users

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