Oh bugger, that's embarassing - this mail was not supposed to go to
the MTT list.  My sincerest apologies!

PRRTE *does* work on Summit, at least for some of the use cases we
tested so far, and we are currently looking into what
the scalability and throughput boundaries are.

Best, Andre.

On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 11:21 PM Ralph H Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
> Hi folks
> Afraid I don’t have the full context here, but I am unaware of any reason why 
> PRRTE wouldn’t run on Summit. It lacks JSM integration, but that just means 
> you (a) have to give it a list of the hosts it can use (either via -host or 
> -hostfile), and (b) it would require ssh permissions to launch its daemons. I 
> have been looking at adding a PMIx-based “launcher” in PRRTE that should work 
> with JSM directly - if it would help, I suspect it could be done fairly 
> quickly.
> Ralph
> > On Apr 26, 2019, at 2:05 PM, Andre Merzky <an...@merzky.net> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Shantenu, Matteo,
> >
> > I had a useful discussion with Thomas and Wael: we seem to make
> > further progress and have action items on both sides to move things
> > forward.
> >
> > One question came up, which is about the projects stalling because of
> > this joined effort.  Shantenu, do you have a pointer to the list of
> > projects which want to use summit through RCT?  If we don't have that,
> > we may consider creating a web or wiki page, because its not the first
> > time that question comes up IIRC.  I am glad that Matteo plans to get
> > a cleaner definition of the use cases involved - that would also be
> > useful to Thomas / Wael.
> >
> > But I also conveyed that we did not promise to any of those projects
> > that PRRTE would be usable for them.  Thomas and Wael both had the
> > impression that our INCITE projects stall because we cannot use PRRTE
> > on summit! I assume that comes from some communication within ORNL, as
> > I don't think wa have given that impression.  Either way, I clarified
> > that we consider jsrun the ORNL-supported launch method for summit and
> > that this is what the INCITES are stalling on, and that we investigate
> > PRRTE as alternative, but that there is no expectation or obligation
> > to get this to work in any reasonable time frame.
> >
> > Let me know if you think this is not a correct statement!
> >
> > Best, Andre.
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