On Jan 12, 2009, at 12:43 AM, lion wrote:

Hi, All
I am wirting a smartcard driver, the ATR is like below.
----ATR:   TS is 3b
                 T0  is 6c
                 TB1 is 0
                TC1 is 2
                history char is : 36 61 86 38 4b 8c 13 4 62 3 59 8a

Then,how can I know what's the type of my card(such as the producer..)

I have try to find it at http://www.sun-rays.org/lib/smartcard_list.txt,but have no answer.

I want to do this, because i always get failure when selecting the MF file
I try to get more information about my card.

Well my experience is that you can't always tell what type of card you have just by looking at the ATR, which is why I created the SwapDrop language that Sun Ray uses to run "smartcard config files" that use heuristics to identify a card that is inserted into the Sun Ray's internal smartcard reader. The config files may use the ATR information (usually the history bytes and/or the length) as one of the tests to try to identify a card. Other tests include checking for the presence of specific directories and/or files, checking for the length and/or contents of a particular file, trying to select one or more applets (on cards that support applets) and issuing
specific APDUs and noting the response from the card.

I had a look on Ludovic's list here:


but I couldn't find an ATR that matches your card's ATR.

Try playing with Google to see if someone else has posted the ATR or an ATR
that is similar to yours.

Do you have any more information on the card that you want to find out about? You can try some common APDUs that work with OpenPlatform JavaCard cards, perhaps you have one of those cards. Or maybe scan an image of the card (if it's not a blank white card ;-) and post it somewhere for people to look at. Even if it is a blank white card, you can usually tell the manufacturer of the chip from the
contact pad design, so that might be a good lead.


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