On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 2:15 PM, MURILO COSTA
<murilo.dua...@unitau.com.br> wrote:
> Hi Frank and Francois
> It's really strange, because works fine on windows, and it seems there is no 
> reason to don't work under OpenSuse.
> What kind of readers are you using? Serial or USB? Can you give the names?
> I thought that maybe can be a Java problem, do you know some software to do 
> this kind of test (parallelism) ? I'll check if pcsc-tools can do that...
> Do you think that issue have some relationship with this Ludovic post:
> http://ludovicrousseau.blogspot.com.br/2013/06/ccid-descriptor-statistics_7148.html

If your readers are single-device multi-slot readers then that will
certainly affect them. If the readers are multi-device single-slot
then there should be no problem. A multi-device reader is a reader
that is detected as several different USB devices (sometimes as a HUB
sometimes as USB composite), an example of this reader is the Duali

If the readers are single-slot there shouldn't be any problem.

> Thanks
> Regards,
> Murilo


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