Find the roots, pair the complex conjugate roots and distribute the
pairs and single real roots evenly (how exactly?) in the two filters.
Matlab at least has facilities finding roots of large polynomials.


On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 4:56 PM, Uli Brueggemann
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks for the answer so far.
> A polyphase filter is a nice idea but it does not answer the problem.
> The signal has to be demultiplexed (decimated), the different streams
> have to be filtered, the results must be added to get the final output
> signal.
> My question has a different target.
> Imagine you have two system (e.g. some convolution  boards with DSP).
> Each system can just run a 512 tap filter. Now I like to connect the
> two systems in series to mimic a desired 1024 tap filter. The 1024
> kernel is known and shall be generated by the two 512 tap filters.
> So what's a best way to decompose the known kernel into two parts ? Is
> there any method described somewhere?
> Uli
> 2011/1/19 João Felipe Santos <>:
>> Hello,
>> a technique that allows something similar to what you are suggesting
>> is to use polyphase filters. The difference is that you will not
>> process contiguous vectors, but (for a 2-phase decomposition example)
>> process the even samples with one stage of the filter and the odd
>> samples with another stage. It is generally used for multirate filter
>> design, but it makes sense to use this kind of decomposition if you
>> can process the stages in parallel... or at least it is what I think
>> makes sense.
>> You can search for references to this technique here [1] and here [2].
>> A full section on how to perform the decomposition is presented on
>> "Digital Signal Processing: a Computer-based approach" by Sanjit K.
>> Mitra.
>> [1] 
>> [2]
>> --
>> João Felipe Santos
>> On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 5:46 AM, Uli Brueggemann
>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> a convolution of two vectors with length size n and m gives a result
>>> of length n+m-1.
>>> So e.g. two vectors of length 512 with result in a vector of length 1023.
>>> Now let's assume we have a vector (or signal or filter kernel) of size
>>> 1024, the last taps is 0.
>>> How to decompose it to two vectors of half length? The smaller vectors
>>> can be of any arbitrary contents but their convolution must result
>>> must be equal to the original vector.
>>> It would be even interesting to "factorize"  given kernel into n
>>> smaller kernels. Again the smaller kernels may have any arbitrary but
>>> senseful contents, they can be identical but this is not a must.
>>> Is there a good method to carry out the kernel decomposition? (e.g.
>>> like calculating n identical factors x of a number y by x =
>>> Exp(Log(y)/n) with x^n = x*x*...*x = y)
>>> Uli
>>> --
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>> dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
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>> links
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