Thaks a lot Nigel for your info.
It is in my plan to improve my actual Leslie simulator, and I had listen a
lot of rumors about this VENTILATOR and also BURN (by Scognamiglio, another
Italian that you may know) and I was impressed because I also think thatn
nowadays there cant be any incredible technology under the hood for a
leslie, but maybe a big bag of tricks.



> -----Messaggio originale-----
> Da: [mailto:music-dsp-
>] Per conto di Nigel Redmon
> Inviato: mercoledì 18 giugno 2014 11:25
> A: A discussion list for music-related DSP
> Oggetto: Re: [music-dsp] Simulating Valve Amps
> BTW, I do know that it was developed with the Sonic Core SCOPE SDK, and I
> suspect it’s just using fairly routine DSP blocks, with a lot of care in
> the sound. (It runs in my mind that I might have seen some block diagrams
> on a forum back when he was developing it—the point is that I don’t think
> there is any cutting-edge tech involved.) But that’s all I know.
> On Jun 18, 2014, at 10:40 AM, Nigel Redmon <> wrote:
> > No, Marco, sorry. I wish I did. The result is very good, and a huge
> > leap from the sim in the CX-3. Very annoying that they don’t support
> > MIDI switching of the speed…
> >
> >
> > in/
> >
> >
> > On Jun 18, 2014, at 10:11 AM, Marco Lo Monaco
> <> wrote:
> >
> >> Ciao Nigel, talking about the VENTILATOR, do you know something more
> >> about its secrets/internals?
> >> :)
> >>
> >> M.
> >>
> >>> -----Messaggio originale-----
> >>> Da: [mailto:music-dsp-
> >>>] Per conto di Nigel Redmon
> >>> Inviato: mercoledì 18 giugno 2014 08:22
> >>> A: A discussion list for music-related DSP
> >>> Oggetto: Re: [music-dsp] Simulating Valve Amps
> >>>
> >>> Well, some people think it’s close enough for rock n rock (amp
> >>> sims),
> >> others
> >>> don’t. It’s the same with analog synths and virtual analog. But
> >>> there’s
> >> also
> >>> the comfort of tube amps, and there’s the comfort of the limited
> >>> sound palette of using the amp that you know and love. Amp sims are
> >>> really about variety (can’t afford a Plexi, a Twin Reverb, SLO,
> >>> AC-30, and a few
> >> boutique
> >>> amps? Now you can).
> >>>
> >>> I appreciate the old stuff, but I appreciate the convenience and
> >> flexibility of
> >>> the new stuff—to me it *is* close enough for rock n roll (new stuff
> >>> in general—I don’t play much guitar). I play a B3 clone because I
> >>> hauled a Hammond decades ago, and I hauled and still have (needs
> >>> work) a Leslie,
> >> but
> >>> I’d just as soon use my Ventilator pedal on the CX-3 (yes, with
> >> programmable
> >>> leakiness and aging of the tone wheels, etc.)—more convenient, and
> >>> gets the sound I want. Others would shudder at the thought. Well,
> >>> until their backs start giving out…I know a hardcore, old-time B3
> >>> blues player
> >> (“Mule”—
> >>> a nickname he earning for hauling around his B3 and Leslies) who
> >>> picked up
> >> a
> >>> clone for his aging back after hearing my CX-3 though the
> >>> Ventilator. Not
> >> for
> >>> all gigs, mind you, but as an option to go with for some gigs. The
> >>> point
> >> is that
> >>> if the tradeoffs are attractive enough, it’s easier to let yourself
> >>> try
> >> new things
> >>> even if you feel that it falls ever so slightly short of what you’re
> >>> used
> >> to, or
> >>> strays from your comfort zone.
> >>>
> >>> So while some might feel that amp sims haven’t arrived yet, other
> >>> might
> >> feel,
> >>> “where the heck have you been the past decade?" ;-)
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Jun 17, 2014, at 6:59 PM, robert bristow-johnson
> >>> <> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> On 6/17/14 8:24 PM, Nigel Redmon wrote:
> >>>>> (Thinking outside the nest…)
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> (...maybe that means opening up the LPF as the gain knob setting
> >>>>>> is
> >>>>>> reduced)
> >>>>> Yes
> >>>>>
> >>>>> And good discussion elsewhere in there, thanks Robert.
> >>>>>
> >>>> yer welcome, i guess.
> >>>>
> >>>> you may be thinking outside the nest; i'm just thinking out loud.
> >>>>
> >>>> i think, like a multieffects box, we oughta be able to simulate all
> >> these amps
> >>> (don't forget the Mesa Boogie) and their different settings in a
> >>> single
> >> DSP
> >>> box with enough MIPS and a lotta oversampling.  dunno if simulating
> >>> the
> >>> 50/60 Hz hum and shot noise would be good or not (i know of a B3
> >>> emulation that simulates the "din" of all 60-whatever keys leaking
> >>> into the mix even when they're all key-up).  but they oughta be able
> >>> to model each deterministic thing: the power supply sag, changing
> >>> bias points,
> >> hysteresis in
> >>> transformers, capacitance in feedback around a non-linear element
> >>> (might use Euler's forward differences in doing that), whatever.
> >>> whatever it is,
> >> if
> >>> you take out the hum and shot noise, it's a deterministic function
> >>> of
> >> solely
> >>> the guitar input and the knob settings, and if we can land human
> >>> beings on the moon, we oughta be able to figure out what that
> >>> deterministic function is.  for each amp model.  it shouldn't be
> >>> more mystical than that (but
> >> there
> >>> *is* a sorta mysticism with musicians about this old analog gear
> >>> that we
> >> just
> >>> cannot adequately mimic).
> >>>>
> >>>> and thanks to you, Nigel.
> >>>>
> >>>> L8r,
> >>>>
> >>>> r b-j
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>> On Jun 17, 2014, at 4:07 PM, robert bristow-
> >>> johnson<>  wrote:
> >>>>>> On 6/17/14 3:30 PM, Nigel Redmon wrote:
> >>>>>>> This is getting…nesty...
> >>>>>> yah 'vell, vot 'r ya gonna do?  :-)
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> On Jun 17, 2014, at 10:42 AM, robert bristow-
> >>> johnson<>   wrote:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> On 6/17/14 12:57 PM, Nigel Redmon wrote:
> >>>>>>>>> On Jun 17, 2014, at 9:09 AM, robert bristow-
> >>> johnson<>    wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> On 6/17/14 5:30 AM, Nigel Redmon wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> ...
> >>>>>>>>>>> Anyway, just keep in mind that the particular classic amps
> >>>>>>>>>>> don’t sound "better" simply because they are analog. They
> >>>>>>>>>>> sound better because over the decades they’ve been around,
> >>>>>>>>>>> they survived—because they do sound good. There are
> plenty
> >>>>>>>>>>> of awful sounding analog guitar amps (and compressors, and
> >>>>>>>>>>> preamps,
> >>>>>>>>>>> and…) that didn’t last because they didn’t sound
> >>>>>>>>>>> particularly good. Then, the modeling amp has the
> >>>>>>>>>>> disadvantage that they are usually employed to recreate a
> >>>>>>>>>>> classic amp exactly. So the best they can do is break even in
> sound, then win in versatility.
> >>>>>>>>>>> And an AC-30 or Matchless preset on a modeler that doesn’t
> >>>>>>>>>>> sound exactly like the amp it models loses
> >>>>>>>>>>> automatically—even if it sounds better— because it failed to
> >>>>>>>>>>> hit the target. (And it doesn’t helped that amps of the same
> >>>>>>>>>>> model don’t necessarily sound the same. At Line 6, we would
> >>>>>>>>>>> borrow a coveted amp—one that belonged to a major artist
> and
> >>>>>>>>>>> was highly regarded, for instance, or one that was rented
> >>>>>>>>>>> out for sessions because it was known to sound awesome.)
> >>>>>>>>>> what did you guys do with the amps when you
> borrowed/rented
> >>> them?  was your analysis jig just input/output, or did you put a few
> >>> high- impedance taps inside at strategic places and record those
> >>> signals simultaneously?
> >>>>>>>>> Yes. For instance, sweeping the EQ with incremental settings
> >>> changes.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> yes, another issue (which i didn't really touch on) is mapping
> >>>>>>>> the
> >>> settings of the knob to the internal (to the DSP) coefficients and
> >> threshold
> >>> values and such.  that is "coefficient cooking" and is the same
> >>> issue as defining Q in EQs so that the knob behaves like the ol'
> >>> Pultec or
> >> whatever.
> >>> your digital implementation might work very well, but if the
> >>> position of
> >> the
> >>> knob in the emulation is not nearly the same as it was for the
> >>> venerable
> >> old
> >>> gear (to get the same sound), someone might complain.
> >>>>>>> Oh yes, they *will* complain ;-)
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 6:58 PM, Nigel
> >>> Redmon<>    wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Jun 16, 2014, at 7:51 PM, robert bristow-johnson<
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>     wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> one thing that is hard to replicate is a sample rate that
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> is infinity (which is how i understand continuous-time
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> signals to be).  but i don't think you should need to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> have such a high sample rate.  one thing we know is that
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> for *polynomial
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> curves* (which are mathematical abstractions and maybe
> >>> have
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> nothing to do with tube curves), that for a bandwidth of
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> B in the input and a polynomial curve of order N, the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> highest generated frequency is N*B so the sample rate
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> should be at
> >>> least (N+1)*B to prevent any of these generated images from aliasing
> >>> down to below the original B.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> if you can prevent that, you can filter out any of the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> aliased components and downsample to a sample rate
> >>> sufficient for B (which is at least 2*B).
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> This really goes out the window when you’re modeling
> amps,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> though. The order of the polynomial is too high to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> implement practically (that is, you won’t end up utilizing
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> the oversampling rate necessary to follow it),
> >>>>>>>>>> this is a curious statement *outside* of the case of hard
> >> clipping.
> >>> oversample by 4x and you can do a 7th-order polynomial curve and
> >>> later eliminate all of the aliasing.  oversample by 8x and it's
> >>> 15th-order.  do
> >> *no*
> >>> oversampling and you can still make use of the fact that there's not
> >>> a lot above 5 kHz in a guitar and amp (so 48 kHz is sorta
> >>> oversampled to begin with).  you can fit a quite curvy curve with a
> order polynomial.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> so
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> you still be dealing with aliasing. Modern high gain amps
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> have huge gain
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> *after* saturation. In practical terms, you round into it
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> (with a polynomial, for instance), then just hard clip
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> from there on out, and there goes your polynomial (it can
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> be replaced by an approximation that's very high order,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> but what’s
> >>> the point).
> >>>>>>>>>> yes, we splice a constant function against a curve.  if at
> >>>>>>>>>> the
> >> splice as
> >>> many possible derivatives are zero as possible, that splice appears
> >>> pretty seamless.  this is why i had earlier (on this list) been
> >>> plugging these
> >> curves:
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>                      x
> >>>>>>>>>>  f(x)  =  C * integral{ (1 - u^2)^M du }
> >>>>>>>>>>                      0
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> (C gets adjusted so that f(1) = 1 and f(-1) = -1.)
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> you can splice that to flat values at +/- 1 and the nature of
> >>>>>>>>>> the
> >>> function will not change appreciably from the polynomial in the
> >>> region of
> >> the
> >>> splice.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> anyway, the whole point is to give the guys with golden ears
> >>>>>>>>>> no
> >>> cause to complain about hearing aliases.  same with emulating
> >>> sawtooths
> >> and
> >>> hard-sync synthesis.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Anyway, you pay your money, you make your choices.
> >>> Obviously
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> some really good musicians making really interesting music
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> use modeling amps. They don’t have to be better than
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> tubes, in order to be a win, just good enough to be worth
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> all the benefits. If you’re a session music, you can bring
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> in the truck with all of the kinds of amps that might be
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> called on, or you can bring a modeling amp, for instance.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> And going direct into the PA or your recoding
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> equipment…etc. I’m not
> >>> going to make judgments on what people should like, so I’ll leave it
> >>> at
> >> that.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> One happy thing about the aliasing is that, given a decent
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> level of oversampling, it won’t be bad at lower overdrive
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> levels. At the higher the overdrive levels, the harder it
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> is to hear aliasing through all that harmonic distortion
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> you’re
> >>> generating. So it could be worse...
> >>>>>>>>>> i really agree with this, Nigel.  with *some* oversampling
> >>>>>>>>>> (but
> >>> theoretically not sufficient oversampling), you can get away with a
> >>> lot
> >> (like
> >>> hard limits or whatever stuff goes on inside a transformer with core
> >> loss).  i
> >>> would not say that you have to oversample to a ridiculously high
> >>> degree
> >> just
> >>> because there is a hard-limit saturation in there or that your tube
> >>> model
> >> is
> >>> not a polynomial approximation (but i wonder why you wouldn't try to
> >>> fit
> >> the
> >>> grid-to-plate tube curve to a finite-order polynomial).
> >>>>>>>>> What I mean is... for a modern high-gain amp, the gain is on
> >>>>>>>>> the
> >>> order of 2^16 (and the curve starts it’s significant bend up near
> >>> 1). So
> >> most of
> >>> the signal, when you’re playing maxed out, is simply clipping hard.
> >>> If
> >> your
> >>> goal is to not alias in the audio band at all, by figuring the max
> >> harmonic
> >>> component based on the order of the equivalent polynomial and the
> >>> highest freq of the guitar input coming in…well, your oversampling
> >>> factor is going
> >> to
> >>> be a lot higher that you’re willing to implement.
> >>>>>>>> i understand.  hard-hard-limit and you got harmonics going up
> >>>>>>>> to
> >>> infinity anyway.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> There’s really no point in calculating a continuous polynomial
> >> over
> >>> that range that I can see.
> >>>>>>>> well, if it splices *well* to the clip region, it might *still*
> >>>>>>>> have
> >> a point.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> It’s no big deal—I just brought it up because I often see
> >>>>>>>>> people,
> >> here
> >>> and elsewhere, go down the thought path of... "OK, I want to make a
> >>> guitar distortion unit…if I keep my polynomial to order N, I only
> >>> need to
> >> oversample
> >>> by (N+1)/2...", completely forgetting that when, in their code, they
> >> branch to
> >>> limit the output to +/- 1, their polynomial order just went out the
> >> window.
> >>>>>>>> yes, that's true (sorta).  at least *if* the splice to the
> >>>>>>>> limited
> >> constant
> >>> value is not smooth.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> but you can make a polynomial match as many derivatives (equal
> >>>>>>>> to
> >>> zero) of the hard limit as possible (but that might be at
> >>> cross-purposes
> >> to
> >>> getting the polynomial to follow a tube curve) and for levels that
> >>> hit
> >> that limit
> >>> (so the code branches to the limit), if the overflow or spike isn't
> >>> so
> >> bad, the
> >>> behavior isn't so far away from the "ideal" polynomial and the total
> >>> behavioral issue remains inside the window, i would think.
> >>>>>>> Yes, Robert…but, with the kind of gain necessary…OK, so you have
> >>>>>>> the
> >>> y-xis as you output level, x-axis as input. To view the entire curve
> >>> for a Soldano Super Lead Overdrive, for instance, you draw the curve
> >>> of your choice to rise from y=0 and give you a soft bend into y=1
> output).
> >> The
> >>> bend will be somewhere around x=1, ballpark (maybe it’s x=2 or 3, to
> >>> allow for lower input levels, but the point is that it’s a small
> >>> number compared
> >> to
> >>> what’s coming next)…then you allow for x=30000 or so (a flatline
> >>> from the
> >>> x=1..3 area). Is that not a pretty high order polynomial?
> >>>>>> well, yeah, and it might better be described as a function that
> >>>>>> is
> >>> discontinuous with most of its derivatives, even the 1st.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> so
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> The point being, yes the polynomial would be handy at low gain
> >>> settings, but you still need to build this thing to work at extreme
> >>> gain
> >> settings
> >>> at the same time.
> >>>>>> okay, you mean with it cranked up so that it virtually hard limits.
> >> that's
> >>> not exactly what comes to mind about "warm" tube distortion.  like
> >>> those DevilDrive guys (or was it the Kemper guys) built a 12AX7
> >>> preamp to model (and i wonder how much that tells us about how a
> >>> Fender Twin Reverb cranked up to arcweld behaves like).
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> but this is hard clipping distortion, not zero-crossing
> >>>>>> distortion,
> >> right?  in
> >>> between the nasty hard limits, you might be able to decently model
> >>> the
> >> tube
> >>> curves with finite-order polynomials.  specifically the mapping
> >>> curve from biased grid voltage to biased plate voltage given a
> >>> specific load line
> >> (which
> >>> may be affected by power sag).  maybe you can cover that quite well
> >>> with a finite-order polynomial and emulate that with a finite
> >>> sampling rate.  but
> >> if it
> >>> clips, might be nasty, regarding aliases.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> the only thing i know how to tame down a hard limit (and it may
> >>>>>> very
> >>> well not be compatible with the characteristic tube curve) is to set
> >>> as
> >> many
> >>> derivatives as possible to zero and splice the hard limit to that
> >>> continuity to the 2M-th derivative including the hard limit.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> So anything at the low gain settings is pretty insignificant for
> >> something
> >>> designed to handle the high gain settings.
> >>>>>> well, we gotta think sorta like the string theorists.  we gotta
> >> imagine how
> >>> to seamlessly glue together two ostensibly incompatible systems.
> >>> like how do we crossfade from the low-gain behavior (the "warm tube
> >>> sound") to the behavior we like when it's cranked up to arc-weld?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Hence my feeling that there not much point to calculating how
> >>>>>>> much
> >>> headroom you have—you can pretty much count on infinity. There may
> >>> be some reasons to do it—I’m not demanding that I have the right
> >>> idea, just simply explaining what I meant by my comments. In
> >>> reality, it’s not so
> >> clear
> >>> cut, because as I mention before, the more you get into a situation
> >>> where aliasing will be big, at the same time you are in a situation
> >>> where you’ll
> >> have
> >>> more generated harmonics to mask the aliasing. In the end, aliasing
> >>> is
> >>> *mainly* a problem if you bend a guitar note and you heard harmonics
> >>> going in the wrong direction. For some reason guitarists just can’t
> >>> get around
> >> that
> >>> (lol).
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> BTW, the more the overdrive, the less the weaker upper
> >>>>>>>>> harmonics
> >>> of your guitar matter, so you can cheat by rolling them off as you
> >> increase
> >>> drive.
> >>>>>>>> a useful idea.  more pre-LPF as the grunge gets cranked up.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> But you can’t rely on that too much, because guitar players
> >>>>>>>>> like to hang analog distortion stomp boxes in front of your
> >>>>>>>>> modeling amp, giving you powerful higher harmonics. :-)
> >>>>>>>> yeah, but can't you *still* pre-LPF that signal (the output of
> >>>>>>>> the
> >>> distortion stomp box) as the amp drive is cranked up?  i dunno.
> >>>>>>> Yes, it’s definitely one place where you can win, and help
> >>>>>>> yourself make the best of a practical amount of frequency
> >>>>>>> headroom. Probably the biggest difference (between assuming
> >>>>>>> direct, clean guitar strings as input, and one that’s be
> >>>>>>> pre-crunchified with a
> >>>>>>> stompbox) is that for the former you might get by with a
> >>>>>>> lower-order filter, because guitar string harmonics drops of
> >>>>>>> pretty quickly by themselves. (So, you might design an amp sim
> >>>>>>> that seems relatively alias-free, then get a customer or beta
> >>>>>>> tester complaining about the aliasing, and that's were you find
> >>>>>>> out that guitarists will still want to run their stuff into your
> >>>>>>> sim, even if you give them those functions in DSP.)
> >>>>>> well, i know there can be different specs.  but for a 32-tap FIR
> >>>>>> LPF,
> >> you
> >>> can put the same brick-wall LPF on both guitar (that might not need
> >>> it as
> >> bad)
> >>> and the grunge box.  it's just that for clean amp setting, you might
> >>> hear
> >> the
> >>> difference between your straight-grunge pedal and the LPF'd one (and
> >>> it's less necessary, maybe that means opening up the LPF as the gain
> >>> knob setting is reduced).
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> --
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> r b-j        
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> "Imagination is more important than knowledge."
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> --
> >>>> dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
> >>>> subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book
> >>>> reviews, dsp links
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
> >>> subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book
> >>> reviews,
> >> dsp
> >>> links
> >>>
> >>
> >> --
> >> dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
> >> subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book
> >> reviews, dsp links
> >>
> >
> > --
> > dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
> > subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book
> > reviews, dsp links
> >
> --
> dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
> subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews,
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