On 12/10/2014, Sampo Syreeni <de...@iki.fi> wrote:
> Now you're finally getting it. It's about that "context" at least as
> much as it is about the signal sent. Everything that is relevant about
> the context can then also be quantified in one form of probabilistic
> distribution of the source or another. That's the whole point of what I
> and Ethan tried to say. Not to mention Claude Shannon.

When you're trying to approximate entropy of some arbitrary signal,
there is no such context.

> No I did not. I sent you a stream of all zeroes. It's just that every
> time I send anything to anybody, I xor-obfuscate my bitstreams with a
> maximally fast flipping binary sequence, starting with zero.

Why not use ROT13 instead? I heard it's better.
Especially 'double ROT13', that's the best.
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