Den 02.04.15 20:47, skrev Laszlo Toth:
On Thu, 2 Apr 2015, Phil Burk wrote:

Speaking of zero based indexing, my neighbor's street address is "0
Meadowood Drive". There was a "4 Meadowood Drive" already existing. They
left room to build one more house at the end of the street. But instead of
building a house they built two cottages. So they had to number them 0 and
Weird. Here the standard solution for this is to number the new
houses as 2/a and 2/b.
I don't know how they would handle if the two new houses were built in
place of a house already numbered as 2/a...

This could be solved by numbering them 2/a and 2/@.

Well, seriously, they could be numbered 2/a and 2/c, thus not interferring with the existing 2/b. The ordering of the houses along the street would be a bit weird, but still...


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