On 2015-06-30, Vadim Zavalishin wrote:

And even if what we've been talking about above does go as far as I (following Vadim) suggested, exponential segments are still out of the picture for now.

I would say the whole thread has been started mostly because of the exponential segments. How are they out of the picture?

They are for *now* out, because I don't yet see how they could be bandlimited systematically within the BLEP framework.

But then evidently they can be bandlimited in all: just take a segment and bandlimit it. It's not going to be an easy math exercise, but it *is* going to be possible even within the distributional framework. I mean such a segment, say over [0,1], and 0 elsewhere, is going to be an absolutely bounded function with compact support, so that it's a distribution with an extant Fourier transform. Just cut that into a compact support in the Fourier domain, and come back into the time one.

I don't think I'm good enough with integration to do that one myself. But you, Ethan and many others on this list probably are. Once you then have the analytic solution to that problem, I'm pretty sure you can tell from its manifest form whether the BLEP framework cut it. And of course the same with the hard phase advanced sine you also worried about.

(And yes, I was reading Schwartz's Paley-Wiener theorem the wrong way around. You are exactly right in your interpretation of it. I kept reading F as f, so that I kept the compactness condition on the time side of things. In the distributional framework that fucks up the interpretation quite royally indeed.)

Consider a piecewise-exponential signal being bandlimited by BLEP.

That sort of implies an infinite sum of equal amplitude BLEPs, which probably can't converge. Unless Ethan's point about convergence from two sides somehow manages to moderate the overall decay of the "series" of bandlimited discontinuities. But let's see once again...

We wish to know if we obtain a bandlimited signal in the result.

The formal "series" we're doing does guarantee *that*. It only has finite frequencies by definition. It's just that it doesn't guarantee convergence...

Represent the signal as a sum of rectangular-windowed exponentials.

Why not instead try to develop that single exponential segment as a sort of "balanced" MacLaurin series? First take away the constant term, then the quadratic, and so on. The error terms will go to zero over the negative zero axis, and if you develop the thing in base e, it ought to be analytically easy to handle from 0 to 1 as well.

Windowing it from [1] is nasty. But e.g. putting on a half-Gaussian window ought to make the analysis easier, even as you finally reflect it onto the Fourier side.

Each of these exponentials can be represented as a sum of rectangular-windowed monomials (by windowing each term of the Taylor series separately).

They can't: they are not finite sums, but infinite series, and I don't think we know how to handle such series right now.

We can apply the BLEP method to bandlimit each of these monomials and then sum them up.

We can handle each (actually sum of them) monomial. To finite order. But handling the whole series towards the exponential...not so much.

If the sum converges then the obtained signal is bandlimited, right?

If it does, yes. But I don't think it does. I think you have to go about it another way, especially at [1]. You really hit on a nasty problem wrt the BLEP framework, and the distributional one, where the argument of the exponential function snaps back to zero (and the same for the sine).

I'm thinking, those points might not easily fall back to the BLEP framework. But they *might* just be handled by another additive waveform which is *not* derivable from BLEPs. Maybe that is still derivable in closed form, and knowable from the closed form non-BLEP-derivation of the discontinuity?

Now the sum of bandlimited rectangular-windowed monomials converges if and only if the sum of their BLEP residuals converges.

I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be thinking about the bandlimited forms, now. The whole BLIT/BLEP theory hangs on the idea that you think about the continuous time, unlimited form first, and only then substitute -- in the very final step -- the corresponding bandlimited primitives. Don't break ranks just yet. :)

The sufficient convergence condition for the latter is that the derivatives of the exponent roll off sufficiently fast.

But they don't, do they? When you snap an exponential back to zero, you necessarily snap back all of its derivatives. Which are equal to each other, right onto infinite order. The BLEP framework can't deal with that. And the same goes for sines, as the real part of a complex exponential: they don't lead to amplitude falloff at all, but a phase shift with unity modulus.

So, could it be that we need quadrature terms here, as well? We *do* know how to derive those, via the Hilbert transform, and we know how to bandlimit them as well. Might they help?

We have seen exactly this for the sine (in my paper), where the sufficient conditions for the BLEP convergence is that the sine frequency is below Nyquist. Notice that the Taylor series for exp is essentially the same as for the sine, therefore they have the same rolloff speed. So, the exponent is "bandlimited" (in the sense that the BLEP sum converges) under the same conditions as the sine (the "frequency" must be below Nyquist).

If so, it works. But since I haven't done the math, I'm not too certain you can get the sine case to work either without using quadrature terms in addition.

And in fact, intuitively speaking, if you had to use those as well, that'd finally tie the knot with my skepticism towards your going with the complex, holomorphic version of Fourier theory, and what you were talking about with Paley-Wiener.

I mean, when you introduce a hard phase shift to a sine, you don't just modulate the waveform AM-wise. You introduce a phase discontinuity. On the left side of it the sine has one phase, and on the right side it has another, from -inf to +inf. To me it seems rather obvious, intuitively speaking at least, that the discontinuity doesn't have just a symmetric part, but an asymmetrical one as well.

Especially when it gets bandlimited, the way you interpolate the waveform ain't gonna have just Diracs there, but Hilberts as well, and both of all orders. Those can all be derived from derivatives of a Heaviside step, but their infinitesimal or bandlimited versions don't just go up the the frequency band like you'd think.

The derivative of a step is the Dirac, the derivative of that is the Hilbert, the derivative of that is in its amplitude behavior just what you'd think once again, but in angle it's the opposite of the Dirac, and at fourth order derivative it returns back to being in phase with the Dirac.

That's because those operators are the differential ones which classify by their eigenfunctions the shift-invariant subspaces of functions (and by extension distributions as well) of the function space we started with; originally L^2 of course. Because the Fourier operator is an isometry and whatnot, here, those operators map bijectively onto their generators/characters in the Fourier space; that is, quadrature phase shifts plus amplitude shifts map onto complex numbers. And then the four-fold symmetry of the Fourier transform itself maps back into the four-fold phase symmetry of the (actually Lie ;) ) calculus of the differential Dirac, Hilbert, whatnot, operators, we started with on the distributional side.

So to return to the discussion... Have you actually looked at how the phase side of the picture functions? In addition to and in separation with the amplitude/modulus side? Because it's rather different, and might help explain a couple of things in addition to what we've talked about inb4. :)
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