On 8/9/15 5:07 PM, Sampo Syreeni wrote:
On 2015-07-18, robert bristow-johnson wrote:

even so, Shannon information theory is sorta static. it does not deal with the kind of redundancy of a repeated symbol or string.

In fact it does so fully,

really?  like run-length encoding?

and i've always thunk that the data reduction that you get with LPC (to reduce the word size) that depends on the spectrum of the data was a different thing that Shannon information theory was looking at that might lead to Huffman coding.

and I believe Peter's problem is about not figuring out how it does this. (Sorry about arriving at this this late and reviving a heated thread.)

The basic Shannonian framework works on top of a single, structureless probability space.

yes, and you can model dependent probabilities, i s'pose. so you can put together compound messages that have less information needed to represent them than you might have if they're separate.

Any message sent is a *single* word from that space with a given a priori probability, and the information it conveys is inversely related to the probability of the symbol. Thus, the basic framework is that we're computing the probabilities and the resulting information based on *entire* signals being the symbols that we send.

Shannon entropy is then revolutionary because under certain conditions it allows us to decompose the space into smaller parts. If the entire signal can be broken down into Cartesian product of separate, *independent* part signals, the whole information content of the signal can be calculated from the partwise surprisals. That's how the uniqueness of the entropy measure is proven: if you want the information in the parts to sum to the information of the whole, and each part's information content is obviously related to the number of combinations of values they can take, then the only measure can be a logarithm of probabilities. At the bottom that's a simple homomorphism argument: there is no homomorphism from products to sums other than the logarithm.

But notice that there was an independence assumption there. If you plan to decompose your signal into smaller parts, Shannon's formula of additive entropy only holds if the parts don't affect each other. With periodic signals this assumption is violated maximally, by assumption: every period is the same, so that a single period correspond to the entire signal. For the purposes of talking about the entire signal and its entropy, you only ever need one period, and the underlying probability it varies within.

one thing that makes this encoding thing difficult is deciding how to communicate to the receiver the data that the signal is close to periodic and what the period is. and when that changes, how to communicate something different. it's the issue of how to define your codebook and whether the receiver knows about it in advance or not. you could have a variety of different codebooks established in advance, and then send a single short word to tell the receiver which codebook to use. maybe for non-white signals, the LPC coefs for that neighborhood of audio.

More generally, if there are any statistical correlations between the decomposed parts of any entire signal, they'll in a certain probabilistic sense mean that the entire symbol space is more limited than it would at first seem, and/or that its probability distribution clumps further away from being the flat, maximum entropy distribution Shannon's machinery first expects. The surprisal of the whole thing is lowered.

In limine you could have *any* signal *at all*, but always sent with 100% certainty: when you saw it, its surprisal would be precisely zero. That's the trivial case of the underlying probability space for the entire signal being composed of a single message with probability 1, *whatever* that one signal might be.

Peter's problem then seems to be that he doesn't specify that underlying probability space nor state his assumptions fully. He calculates on signals as though their successive part-symbols or periods were independent, as if Shannon's decomposition worked. But between the line he assumes that signals coming from an entirely different kind of, far more correlated-between-his-chosen-partition were an equal option.

Obviously that leads to teeth grinding and misery, because it isn't even mathematically coherent.

just with the probability of occurrence (which is measured from the relative frequency of occurrence) of messages. run-length coding isn't in there. maybe there is something in Shannon information theory about information measure with conditional probability (that might obviate what LPC can do to compress data).

In fact LPC and every other DSP transformation we use in codecs are well within Shannon's framework.

i didn't know that. it appears to me to be different, almost orthogonal to the Shannon thing.

There, the basic message is the whole continuous time signal. If you really push it, you can model pretty much anything with any kind of noise and serial correlation (corresponding directly to any LTI DSP process in continuous time) with (huge) multivariate distributions as well. Of course now modulo a number of measure theoretical quirks...but you can.

It's just that we don't want to. Instead we take the back alley and model the salient psychoacoustical correlations we see using well understood LTI math, and the sampling theorem which lets us go to a numerable base which retains much of the properties of the continuous domain (mainly shift invariance; that's another neat homomorphism, basically). Combined with the noisy channel coding theorem, we're set to do some real calculation of the MP3 kind.

And really, this ain't rocket science when you get it. It's just that you have to delve into the structure behind it before it gets easy. Peter doesn't seem to have done quite that, but instead jumped straight into formulae and simulations. That sort of thing of course sidetracks you from really getting the wider picture...and as in here, particularly the edge cases like periodicity and such. :)


r b-j                  r...@audioimagination.com

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

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