So you claim that the graph depicts a sinc^2 graph, and it shows the
frequency response of a continuous time linearly interpolated signal,
and involves no resampling.

That is false. That is not how Olli created his graph. First, the
continuous time signal (which, by the way, already contains an
infinite amount of aliases of the original spectrum) exists only in
your imagination - I'm almost 100% certain Olli made his graph by
resampling noise. The telltale signs of this are:

- the curves on the graph are jagged/noisy, typical of averaged white
noise spectrum
- if you watch closely, the same jaggedness repeats at a 2*PI
frequency interval, showing that they are aliases of the original
spectrum, which was noisy.

Therefore, Ollis graph does *not* depict a continuous time signal, but
rather, a noisy signal that was resampled to 44.1 kHz. Therefore, what
you see on the graph, is the artifacts from the resampling.

Therefore, all your arguments are invalid.

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