Hi all,

many articles have been written about bandlimited waveform generation. But for 
various reasons I am not able to implement any solution to my synthesiser that 
are feasible. The synth allows blending smoothly between different shapes 
(http://codepen.io/andremichelle/full/8341731a1ff2bdc90be3cb88e6509358/). It 
also provides phase modulation (by LFO), frequency gliding, hard sync and 
parameter automation. The following I already understand: Functions other than 
a sinus have overtones that may overlap the Nyquist-frequency reflecting back 
into the audible spectrum. I tried the following to reduce the alias: 
Oversample (32x) and apply multiple BiQuad[4] filter (Cutoff at Nyquist or 
less), Oversample and down-sample with a Finite Impulse Response filter, use a 
Sync function window to be applied to each sample (sinc Fc/Fs), apply a FFT and 
sum up sin(x) up to the Nyquist. All those technics seem to be either static 
(FFT) or very costly or are not perfectly reducing the alias. The synthesiser 
runs online inside your browser 
(https://www.audiotool.com/product/device/pulverisateur/). So CPU time is 
crucial. Most articles are explaining how to create the usual suspects such as 
Sawtooth, Square and Triangle. The other articles are filled with complex math. 
I am not a complete dummy but most articles are really hard to follow and not 
pointing out the key ideas in plain english.

A simple question remains:
Is it possible to sample an arbitrary dynamic(changing over time) waveform 
function f(x) excluding frequencies over Nyquist?

Any suggestions are highly appreciated!

André Michelle
dupswapdrop: music-dsp mailing list

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