i know relatively little about transducers.� but these are getting to be pretty 
fundamental questions.
Renato, we don't know exactly how much the digital value will translate to a 
precise loudspeaker piston displacement because there is an amplifier with a 
volume control
in between the D/A converter and the loudspeakers.
when we talk of gain and scaling of the digital numbers coming out of a DSP 
process, we can only really discuss what is "full scale" and, perhaps if you're 
a hardware geek, what the reference voltage is for the D/A converter (or A/D
on the input side) which will map to full scale.� usually, as integers, the A/D 
and D/A integer values are left-justified.� if your D/A word was a puny 16 
bits, that means -32768 and +32767 are your full scale values.� how they get 
translated to loudspeaker piston displacement depends
on the analog hardware in between (and the volume control) and of the 
also about instantaneous pressure vs. displacement, it's really a combination 
of the two and the two are related by some LTI acoustic filtering function.� 
for me, it's easiest to imagine that the
instantaneous pressure (actually the *difference* between instantaneous 
absolute pressure and the ambient atmospheric pressure, the DC component, which 
is about 100 kPa) is proportionally mapped to the signal sample in the DSP.� 
but i never worry about the constant of proportionality because it
simply is what it after i set the volume control to a desired setting.
that's my pedantic spin on it.
r b-j

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------

Subject: Re: [music-dsp] PCM audio amplitudes represent pressure or 

From: "Renato Fabbri" <renato.fab...@gmail.com>

Date: Sun, October 1, 2017 12:58 am

To: "A discussion list for music-related DSP" <music-dsp@music.columbia.edu>


> tx for the infos and thoughts.


> I am getting the same difficulty when I

> look at texts in the subject.


> Making the question very objective,

> is anyone able to state very briefly if

> LPCM samples 1000, 5, 500, 70

> will be converted by a loudspeaker

> into displacements proportional to such

> values or to pressure (differentials)?


> I mean, if the samples are constant,

> say 6000, the speaker surface is displaced

> an amount proportional to 6000 and

> stays there until the samples end.

> That is displacement, right?


> Apologies if I am trying to hard to

> keep things too simple, but

> I believe that there might be

> a simple answer.

> (Although probably not if we

> think also about what is input

> by mics.)




> On Sat, Sep 30, 2017 at 6:40 PM, Nigel Redmon <earle...@earlevel.com> wrote:


>> > I'm pretty sure an instantaneous [audio] voltage (or a number in a

>> > stream of PCM values) represents a pressure differential, and not

>> > displacement.


>> This is one of those point-of-view things&hellip;I used the 
>> &ldquo;usually&rdquo; caveat for

>> that reason&hellip;


>> You strike a drum, you displace the head, create a pressure wave because

>> the room has air, the pressure wave displaces the conducer capsule membrane

>> resulting in a change of capacitance, which is converted to a change in

>> voltage, it&rsquo;s amplifier and used to displace a speaker, which creates a

>> pressure wave, which displaces your ear drum&hellip;


>> So, whether the electrical signal is of the displacement of the capsule

>> membrane, or the pressure differential over time hitting it&hellip;ultimately

>> we&rsquo;re normally recording sound as it exists in the air, so you could

>> rightly say the electrical signal is an analog of the pressure changes over

>> time&mdash;or you could look at it on the electro-mechanical level and say 
>> we use

>> the pressure to displace and element and record that displacement.


>> I guess how firmly you stick to one or the other depends on conventions

>> you're used to. As an engineer, I see it as representing the displacement.

>> The reason I view it that way is because I&rsquo;m intimately aware of the 
>> masses

>> involved with dynamic or condenser mics, and their shortcomings. So, I

>> think of it as the mic diaphragm trying its best to approximate the changes

>> in pressure, and we convert that displacement approximation to an

>> electrical signal.


>> It&rsquo;s probably easier to view the flip side, the speaker&mdash;so many 
>> reasons

>> for a bad approximation; you need a big surface to move a lot of air,

>> particularly for low frequencies, but a big surface has enough mass that it

>> sucks for quicker changes so we split up the audio band; all the while the

>> surfaces are flexing and the cabinet and surface attachments are messing

>> with the attempt, and you wonder how the heck we manage to put something

>> out that&rsquo;s listenable ;-) Anyway, that&rsquo;s why I view it as 
>> displacement;

>> we&rsquo;re trying like heck to make the displacement true, and the pressure

>> changes follow (for speakers&mdash;the other way with a mic). It may be a

>> different story with &ldquo;plasma&rdquo; approaches, I&rsquo;m talking 
>> about our usual

>> practical transducers.



>> > On Sep 30, 2017, at 1:37 PM, Ben Bradley <ben.pi.brad...@gmail.com>

>> wrote:

>> >

>> > I'm pretty sure an instantaneous [audio] voltage (or a number in a

>> > stream of PCM values) represents a pressure differential, and not

>> > displacement. A loudspeaker driver in air (within its rated response)

>> > is constrained by the air, above its resonant frequency (at the low

>> > end of its frequency range - for a woofer, this would be near the

>> > resonant frequency of a ported bass cabinet). Below its resonant

>> > frequency the output is a position proportional to voltage or current,

>> > but the coupling efficiency to the air goes down with frequency, so

>> > this isn't a good operating range. A woofer with a 1Hz input is going

>> > to have the same displacement as with a 0.1Hz input at the same

>> > voltage, because it doesn't have good coupling to the air at such low

>> > frequencies.

>> >

>> > A speaker in air (operating within its intended frequency range) is

>> > like an oar in water. You can move it back and forth very far of

>> > you're doing it at a slow enough rate (low enough frequency). If you

>> > do it at a higher frequency, it takes more force to move it back and

>> > forth the same distance. If you use the same force, you end up moving

>> > back and forth a smaller distance due to the "strong coupling" of the

>> > oar to the water. This is how a speaker cone sees the air, and shows

>> > how cone displacement goes down as frequency goes up, even though the

>> > acoustic energy is the same. The voltage is proportional to

>> > [differential] pressure, and not (as one might easily believe, and

>> > probably some books say!) displacement.

>> >

>> > Regarding phase, as displacement is the integral of pressure,

>> > displacement goes down with an increase in frequency, and there's a

>> > phase shift between pressure and displacement. I vaguely recall that

>> > the integral of a cosine is a sine, so there's a 90 degree (or pi/2,

>> > not pi/4 - you're perhaps thinking of 1/4 of a complete wave) phase

>> > shift between these two. But a dynamic microphone does the exact

>> > inverse of a speaker, so the sound-to-sound conversion actually works

>> > out without a phase shift. Even presuming a condenser mic does this

>> > phase shift (I can't quite visualize how or whether it does offhand),

>> > human ears are almost completely insensitive to phase shift vs.

>> > frequency, so in practice it doesn't matter.

>> >

>> >

>> > On Sat, Sep 30, 2017 at 3:39 PM, Stefan Sullivan

>> > <stefan.sulli...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> >>

>> >> so there might be a phase

>> >> offset between the recorded

>> >> and the reproduced sound.

>> >>

>> >>

>> >> Ah, I think I might be understanding your question more intuitively. Is

>> your

>> >> question about positive voltages from microphones being represented as

>> one

>> >> direction of displacement, whereas the positive voltages from speakers

>> being

>> >> represented as the opposite displacement? To be honest I'm not sure

>> what the

>> >> convention is here, but there must be an industry-wide convention or

>> even

>> >> one speaker manufacturer to the next might be phase incoherent? I

>> actually

>> >> don't know the answer here, but maybe somebody else on the list does?

>> >>

>> >> It is worth pointing out that Nigel is right about phase being frequency

>> >> dependent. Even the mechanical system has dynamic components that have a

>> >> frequency response, which means their phase response could be nonlinear,

>> >> which transducer engineers would either need to compensate for with

>> other

>> >> reactive mechanical components, or with the electrical components, or

>> DSP.

>> >>

>> >> Interestingly, the acoustical and mechanical systems of transducers can

>> be

>> >> modeled as electrical circuit complements themselves. I assume that all

>> >> speaker/microphone manufacturers model their systems this way, but again

>> >> it's not actually my industry so I can't speak to what actually happens.

>> >> Marshall Leach has a really good book on the subject:

>> >> https://he.kendallhunt.com/product/introduction-

>> electroacoustics-and-audio-amplifier-design

>> >>

>> >> Stefan

>> >>

>> >>

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> --

> Renato Fabbri

> GNU/Linux User #479299

> labmacambira.sourceforge.net

> _______________________________________________

> dupswapdrop: music-dsp mailing list

> music-dsp@music.columbia.edu

> https://lists.columbia.edu/mailman/listinfo/music-dsp


r b-j � � � � � � � � �r...@audioimagination.com

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
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