Dear Music DSP people, Please find below the announcement for our forthcoming 
Audio Day. Please feel free to forward to any colleagues who may be interested. 
Best wishes, Mark

 ))))))))))    Audio Day 2018   (((((((((((

             Friday 6 July 2018
    University of Surrey, Guildford, UK

    Free event. Register by: 20 June 2018


Sound and audio is a fundamental aspect of our everyday lives. We create
or listen to musical sounds for pleasure or relaxation; we are informed
or entertained by speech and music on radio or TV; and sounds from the
real world can tell us what is happening around us.

This Audio Day brings together researchers and collaborators engaged in
audio-related research projects linked to the University of Surrey,
including projects on musical audio repurposing using source separation;
spatial audio in the home; making sense of sounds; and creative commons
audio. Many of these are collaborative projects, including members of
the Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP), Institute
of Sound Recording (IoSR), Digital World Research Centre (DWRC) and
Centre for Digital Economy (CoDE) at Surrey, plus many other partners
including the University of Salford, the University of Southampton, BBC
R&D, and Audio Analytic.

To open the Audio Day, we are particularly pleased to welcome Philip
Nelson, Executive Chair of EPSRC, as our Keynote Speaker. The  Day will
include a wide range of talks from members of several of these groups
and partners, plus the chance to find out more in posters and demos, an
opportunity to network over lunch, and will end with a panel discussion
on future directions for audio-related research.

* Registration

The Audio Day is a free event, but registration is required and the 
number of spaces is limited.

To register, visit

* Programme

 10:00 Registration / Coffee
 10:30 Keynote: Philip Nelson (Executive Chair, EPSRC)
       EPSRC, the UK research landscape, and audio engineering research 
 11:10 Musical Audio Repurposing using Source Separation
 11:40 S3A: Future Spatial Audio in the Home
 12:20 Posters and Demos
 13:10 Lunch
 14:10 Making Sense of Sounds
 14:40 Bringing Creative Commons Audio Content to the Creative Industries
 15:20 Tea / Coffee
 15:40 Panel Discussion: Future Directions for Audio Research
 16:30 Closing Remarks

For more details, see

This event is supported by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences 
Research Council (EPSRC), the European Commission through the Horizon 
2020 programme, and the IEEE United Kingdom and Ireland Signal Processing 

Prof Mark D Plumbley
Professor of Signal Processing
Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP) 
University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, UK

 LVA/ICA 2018
 14th International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation
 July 2-5, 2018, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
 Audio Day 2018
 July 6, 2018, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
 DCASE 2018 - Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events
 Challenge: 30 March - 31 July 2018
 Workshop:  19 - 20 November 2018, Surrey, UK
 Paper submission deadline: 31 July 2018

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