2007/12/2, Philipp Wolfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Dec 1, 2007 11:57 PM, Brian Schweitzer
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Personally, I would prefer not to codify any of this.  I would prefer to
> > instead spend some time discussing quite which release level ARs do or don't
> > inherit, as well as working to fill in the holes in our current AR system
> > (missing "libretto" AR for track-artist, missing "is the same track as"
> > track-track AR, etc).  I'd also prefer to spend some time discussing quite
> > what we define as being "the same track".
> That's what I would prefer as well. I'm strictly against removing
> existing AR from a later release just because they are redundant, as
> the ARs on the earliest release are not yet easily available to the
> later releases. And I like to have the ARs in my file tags and the
> only option currently is to add redundant ARs. As soon as we get track
> masters this problem will be solved and the ARs of different tracks
> can be easily merged.
> If somebody decides not to add ARs because they are already present in
> the eraliest release that's ok for me. But I would neither disallow
> nor remove ARs from later releases.

So, if I understand well, everybody votes yes on *me* removing ARs
that *I* added earlier before adding (earliest) links, on an artist no
one cares about but me?

- Olivier

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