2007/12/3, Philipp Wolfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Dec 3, 2007 9:26 PM, Olivier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > We have three later releases of track A, but inconsistent data.
> >
> > What to do?
> Ok, I see what you mean. The individual ARs are consistent, but not
> the whole set of ARs.
> > > But I still don't see
> > > the reason for removing correct ARs.
> >
> > Having consistent data accross a subset of the database (see the
> > examples above).
> My main objection against your plan B is the fact that it makes the
> information only available to the first release. This is surely a
> limitation of the current system and will be solved in the future. But
> at the moment their is no practical way to use the ARs for later
> releases (e.g. in file tags).

Maybe luks may provide some light whether it's possible or not to
script-funk-PicardQT so it does that.
BF told me it was not easy, but well, who knows?

> If this gets solved I'm all in favor of plan B. Until then I consider
> MB to be more usefull with redundant ARs (which might be incomplete
> for some releases, but they are incomplete for other releases as
> well).
> > > If I spent some time adding all
> > > ARs to a later release I surely don't want them removed.
> >
> > Well... I can understand that certainly, work has to be respected, but
> > really the fact some work has been done in one way on something
> > doesn't mean we can't have our practice/dataset evolve.
> > And again, I'm obviously speaking about a border case, concerning a
> > handful of editors, for a very small subset of the database.
> This surely is not a border case. There are many releases that are
> affected by this problem. And there are surely enough editors who want
> to have the ARs as complete as possible.

Ya, but how many editors go through the *very boring* task of tracking
down first release/first version?
I mean, not on a seasoned basis, for a very specific release once in a
while, but on a daily basis?
I've seen such edits *very very rarely* in my subscriptions (which I
confess do not cover the whole db, neither the most active part of it,
but still) - I think I seen it once from Jugdish on a Parker release,
and once or maybe twice from drsaunde.

> > > * Don't touch existing (correct) ARs
> >
> > Mmmm, what if I added the AR myself, and now regret I did (in regard
> > of your previous point)? Does it give me the right to remove it? :-)
> I think at least nobody would be offended :) And I guess it would
> depend on the people interested in that particular artist.

Here! There! Read!
BF mate, your abusive voting won't pass! :D
I'm gonna redo these edits ASAP :D
</was just teasing>

Thanks for the opinions on this, guys and gals - I guess we have
beaten the subject to death, and I had to cancel the edits anyway.
I'm not really satisfied by the outcome of this (as I feel my concerns
about what I called "consistency" are not addressed), but hé, that's
how things are...

Regards to you all,

- Olivier
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