2014/1/21 symphonick <symphon...@gmail.com>

> Another issue is that "chamber ensemble" implies chamber music, which
> obviously doesn't suit jazz ensembles. (Note that you have to define the
> difference between a chamber ensemble and a chamber orchestra!)
> One possibility:
> *Orchestra
> **Chamber orchestra
> **Symphony orchestra
> **String orchestra
> **Wind orchestra
> *Brass ensemble
> **Brass quintet
> *String ensemble
> **String trio
> **String quartet
> **String quintet
> *Mixed ensemble
> **Chamber ensemble
> **Wind ensemble
> **Piano trio
> One could also have the orchestras as sub-types of the general ensemble
> types.
> Do we want genre-based ensembles eventually, e.g. baroque ensemble?
> Unfortunately, it means more documentation...

Isn't this mixing different ontologies? Instrumental (mixed / string / wind
/ brass) and size/complexity (symphony / chamber). I'll try to reorganize
this a little in a way which make more sense to me. I used at least all the
categories above, but this does not mean that we would need all of those.

Instruments first, size last

*String ensemble
**String orchestra
**String quartet
**String quintet
**String trio

*Wind ensemble
**Wind orchestra

*Brass ensemble
**Brass quintet

*Mixed ensemble
**Symphony orchestra
**Chamber orchestra
***Piano trio
** quartet (not strings only)
** quintet (not strings only)

Size first, instrumentation last

* Ensemble
** orchestra (I am not suer this level is useful, or should it actually be
named "specified size"?)
*** Symphony orchestra
*** Chamber orchestra
**** quartet
***** String quartet
**** quintet
***** Brass quintet
***** String quintet
**** trio
***** Piano trio
***** String trio
*** String orchestra
*** Wind orchestra
** instrument ensembles of unspecified size
*** Brass ensemble
*** String ensemble
*** Wind ensemble

I prefer Instruments first, size last, I find it easier to find my way to a
specific ensemble, but size first is probably better for mixed ensembles

The best would probably a grid, or even sets, but of course none of these
would lend itself to user input.

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
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