As everything in classical, this is a difficult question!

Certain genres or forms normally should use roman numerals to number the
movements such as Concerto, Symphony or Sonata forms. But I'm sure there's
exceptions especially in modern times where a composer purposely used
another numbering scheme or left them out.

Other forms such as song cycles, collections of works (ie Chopin`s
Preludes) or variations should normally not have any numbering scheme at

If a numbering scheme is required and undefined by the composer, I'd prefer
standardizing on roman numerals to go inline with Work and Recording titles.


On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 2:32 PM, Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren <> wrote:

> While we have guidelines for release titles and track artists, we never
> got a guideline for classical track titles. So far most people are
> following the format of the data already there (and thus the existing
> pre-NGS conventions). That's mostly fine, but it should still be codified,
> and slightly adapted to take the existence of works into account (which
> allow tracks to follow the release a bit better).
> Evolving draft at
> Right now it does not mention movement numbering at all. That's
> intentional (I feel 1. vs. I. is fairly minor and can be left to people's
> preference or used as on the release) but if people think it should be
> standardised, we can do that too, probably with one of the following:
> a) "For movement numbers, use roman numerals followed by a dot ("I.
> Allegro").
> b) "For movement numbers, use whatever the release has, followed by a dot
> (both "I. Allegro" and "1. Allegro" are equally acceptable)
> (or something without the dot requirement, I guess, I just like the dot :)
> )
> --
> Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren
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