On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 11:32 AM, Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren
<reosare...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  That's mostly fine, but it should still be codified, and
> slightly adapted to take the existence of works into account (which allow
> tracks to follow the release a bit better).

Not really, as it's still very difficult to get standardized titles in
the appropriate language from work titles.

> Evolving draft at
> http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/User:Reosarevok/Classical_Track_Titles

This document is vague about where on the release to source this
information.  Was that intentional?  There could be arguments about an
editor using what is printed in the liner notes versus the track
listing on the back.

-:-:- David K. Gasaway
-:-:- Email: d...@gasaway.org

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