> On Jan 13, 2015, at 6:25 PM, Jim Duke <james.enoch.d...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:james.enoch.d...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Please correct me if I'm wrong (and I'm very likely to be wrong).  I've 
> poured over the style guide and couldn't find a style guild pertaining to 
> Cover Art.  I can find how-to's.  I can find advice.  But not in the official 
> style guide.  That seems to leave the rules for Cover Art somewhat vague.

We don’t really have a style guide for cover art. We do have 
<http://musicbrainz.org/doc/How_to_Add_Cover_Art> which contains a few 
recommendations (e.g. scanning around 300 dpi; this is mostly for practicality 

> Sure, most releases don't have booklet art.

If you mean digital releases, then yes. Most of the physical media I have have 
some sort of booklet.

>   But of those that do, there seems to be two camps.  One camp has one image 
> for each page.  And another camp captures two pages at once (except for the 
> front and back).  I suppose that I could detect it by examining the height vs 
> width ratio.

I can’t speak for every case, but a lot of times that has to do with the 
thickness of the booklet. On most CD releases the booklet is thin enough that 
you can scan 2 pages at once and the image will be readable, but some are so 
thick that if you try to scan 2 pages at once (especially on the first and last 
pages) the center of the image will be blurry and distorted.

> But in any case, we should have a discussion on which way is preferred, or if 
> both is allowed, or if we need to enhance the schema to better indicate the 
> kind of image it is.  It seems, however, that the results of this discussion 
> should be captured in the style guide.
> Has this been discussed before?  I've tried searching the archives; but 
> "Cover Art" sweeps in far too many items that have nothing to do with Cover 
> Art.

I’m not aware of it being discussed in mb-style before. It has been brought up 
in IRC and in the forums (namely this thread: 

> Also - not that I want to change it just to change it - just making an 
> observation.  It seems that "Cover Art" is somewhat too narrow a description. 
>  "Artwork" would seem to be a better label for the category in general; or 
> even "Imagery”.

The term is a holdover from when music was mostly distributed on physical 
media. Now with digital distribution the sense of a physical “cover” has been 
lost but accompanying images are still a thing. “Artwork” might be good in this 
sense. I’ve added releases with accompanying wallpapers, sketches and stuff; 
these would not traditionally be deemed “cover art” but they were packaged with 
the audio nonetheless.

> From the ranks of terribly-confused-but-trying-to-help.
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