On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 6:55 PM, bflaminio <bflami...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree with Trevor Downs. If an artist makes a point to include the title,
> and if the title is used on cover art, liner notes, and other artifacts of
> music production; then it's reasonable to include the title in the artist
> name.

Here is a release of mine that has only "Simon Rattle" on the cover,
but the current artist name is "Sir Simon Rattle".
Either way we do it, these inconsistencies are going to happen.  I
can't think of a reason why it's better to have this in the artist
name than in the ACs for the releases where it's used.  Is it an
offical part of the person's legal name or something like that?

> These can be decided on a case-by-case basis.

I'd rather see it codified, whichever way the decision goes.

-:-:- David K. Gasaway
-:-:- Email: d...@gasaway.org

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