Once Upon a Time in a Jakarta’s Train
(Photos and videos on www.nizami.multiply.com )

Jakarta’s trains which are often called KRL
Jabotabek (Jakarta-Bogor-Tangerang-Bekasi electric
train) are always full. These trains serve passengers
in Jakarta and its surrounding cities: Bogor,
Tangerang, and Bekasi.

Passengers not also out of the train’s doors because
the rooms are so full, but also up on the train coach.

Though some people are dead because their neck hit
electric cable, yet many people keep on going on the
train coach. Perhaps they don’t have money or simply
because there is no more room in the train coach.

The video (the pictures from video) taken on Saturday
morning (8AM), February 24, 2007 in Tebet station. The
crowded train heading to Jakarta. On Monday-Friday,
the situation even worse! I was lucky to travel
against the stream. Leaving Jakarta to Depok.

Though the trains are quite crowded, yet many peddlers
walking around selling their merchandises. 

There are also beggars ask for some money. Some of
them old people. Sometimes with no foot to walk. Some
blind and guided by his/her friend.

There are also people crawling and cleaning the
train’s floor with their hands and ask passengers
for some money as a reward.

Yes, those are the daily routines for many commuters
in Jakarta. If they take bus, the bus not only full
like that but also the traffic jam is horrible. It
could take 2-3 hours for 10 miles ride. Once I go back
from my office at 15:30 and came home at 20:40 while
the distance only less than 10 miles. Nice isn’t it?

Does our president care about this? Oh no. He is
taking limo with many cars and motor-cycles guarding
around him. His route is emptied about an hour before
he passes. May be he never saw the Jakarta’s
passengers trains’ daily routines.

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