Today Aug. 2nd, is the Anniversary of the worst ever called Racial Slurs 
against any minority community in the history of America. 
  "Indians are Cockroaches, Animals, Illiterates, Illegal go home" are the 
worst ever called Racial Slurs against any community in the history of America.
  These slurs were called by a white racist group belonging to Police Union of 
New Jersey under a Jew President, Police Chief, Detective Bureau Chief under an 
Asian Mayor with Jew Political Advisors  in the presence of TV & Print Media on 
Aug 2, 2006, when the minority Indian-American community was protesting against 
Police Brutality under Racial Bias.
  No Indian religious/cultural/political leader of New Jersey or Indian Embassy 
has ever criticized these Racial Slurs against the entire community of Indian 
origin or demanded Apology from the Mayor of Edison with Jewish Advisors, his 
police department under Jewish Chief & its Police Union under a Jewish 
  Only 2 persons Upendra Singh Sabharwal of New Rochelle, New York & Dave 
Makkar of Springfield, New Jersey went on a day's hunger strike inside the 
HUMAN RELATION COMMITTEE office in State Capital Trenton and outside the office 
of Edison Mayor in the Municipal Complex of Edison. The so called Hindu's from 
BJP, VHP, HINDI USA, various SIKH, Gujarat, Punjab, UP, Bihar, Tamil, Jat, 
Bengal,Bihar Associations etc etc. and various Indian Muslim & Christian 
organizations never even showed up on these venues. 
  In contrast very famous Liberal Democrat Don Imus a TV & Radio Host who 
called African American Women Football Team, "NAPPY HEADED HOSE" was fired from 
CBS on the call of African American Leadership, Clergy & Media.
  Don Imus till first week of April 2007 was considered among 25 most 
influential Person in America. Now he is going door to door asking every 
African American, "an Apology for the Racial Slurs he used and saying I was 
  (99.9% US Indians are Democrat)
  P.S. Aug 2, 2006 Incident was reported in all Local, State, National & Ethnic 
India Media in English & other Indian Languages as well as all Major American 
TV Chanels and TV Asia. A DVD is also available for this incident. May be US 
Indian-American Leaders don't read News Papers or watch TV! or May be they are 
too cowards to understand the definition of Basic Human Rights & Dignity of a 
Human Being!
  July 26,2007
  Devendra Makkar, Rashmi Makkar
  Prachi Makkar, Surya Makkar
  568 Ashwood Rd.
  Springfield, NJ 07081
  973 416 1600 Fax 973 416 1500 
  Unnamed members of Indo-American community
  Ms. Michelle Kasperski
  License Manager & OPRA request handler
  Township of Edison
  100 Municipal Blvd.
  Edison, NJ 08817-3367
  By: Certified Mail RR
  Ref.: Demand for the release of Internal Investigation reports concerning 
July 4th 
          2006 incident at Hill Top & Aug. 2, 2006 incident at Municipal 
Complex involving
           Rajnikant Parikh Aka Amit Sheth, Applicant, his entire family and 
unnamed Indo-
          American community members UNDER First Amendment & OPRA rules
  Please find enclose herewith a check for $500.00 payable to the Twp. of 
Edison to cover the cost of above mentioned IA reports under First Amendment & 
OPRA rules. The Applicant intend to get these Reports published in local, 
state, national, international Media and various internet Blogs exposing the 
role of Politicians and Police. Edison Politicians are under the stronghold of 
Police Union because of their en block votes and ability to finance their 
Elections. It is an open secret racial profiling, rampant corruption and break 
in commands are the Hall marks of Edison Police.
  The Applicant is not going to dwell on the merits of the immigration 
violations by Rajnikant Parikh Aka Amit Sheth who is one of the central 
Character appearing in the Reports being requested. He has already been 
deported to his native country India, in April 2007; after his arrest on Aug 2, 
2006 in violation of his freedom of Free Speech Rights in a conspiracy by ICE 
attorney Sam Dotro to cover up Police Brutality under racial bias done to him 
by his brother Edison Patrolman Michael Dotro. The conspiracy theory is based 
on Star Ledger Report of 12-21-06 by its senior reporter Suleman Din. Twp. of 
Edison, County Prosecutor & ICE Newark even after keeping the brutality victim 
in Jail for almost 9 months knowingly denied him; his Right to a fair and open 
public trial in the criminal case in which he has accused Patrolman Dotro of 
Police Brutality under racial bias especially for the inhuman beatings with 
boots after being handcuffed. This is in clear violation of “The Bill
 of Rights” which guarantees a Fair and open Public Trial even to an illegal 
immigrant living in United States of America. This is also in clear violation 
to “The Pledge of Allegiance” Liberty and Justice to all. 
  First Amendment & OPRA request to Edison (2)
  There are certain unanswered questions why practically every US Law and Human 
Right was violated besides spending over $100,000.00, gross misuse of State & 
Federal Resources in deporting 1 individual by Edison & ICE field office in 
Newark? Why the entire community of Indian origin was called “Cockroaches, 
Animals, Illiterates & Illegal go home” by the Police Union members/supporters? 
Knowingly that these are the worst ever called Racial Slurs for any minority 
community in the history of America, why no legal action has been taken till to 
date by the administration of Mayor Jun Choi, County Prosecutor Kaplan and Bias 
Crime Unit Head Hester Agudosi? Why Mayor Choi & County Prosecutor Kaplan 
failed to take disciplinary/legal actions against those in Edison Police 
department who hatched up a conspiracy with ICE attorney Sam Dotro for the 
arrest of Parikh aka Sheth for a lawful purpose but under Selective Enforcement 
of Law in a unethical/unlawful manner from the venue of
 protest in violation of his Freedom of Free Speech Rights and to scare the law 
abiding peaceful community of Indian origin?
  Applicant is more concerned about the Criminal actions of certain individuals 
and certain other individuals for helping to cover up their criminal actions in 
the above inhuman sordid saga in the offices of Edison Twp., Union County 
Prosecutor’s office and Bias Crime Unit in the Attorney General’s office. As a 
concerned Citizen applicant feels all these individuals has violated US Laws, 
human rights of an individual and has also violated, The Pledge of Allegiance  
“Liberty and  Justice to all” and The Bill of Rights. 
  Moreover applicant, his entire family and other unnamed community members 
since Aug 2, 2006 are going thru mental & emotional pains, agony and physical 
sufferings why we were called “Cockroaches, Animals, illiterates & illegal go 
home by the Police Union? Why a member of our community (without dwelling into 
his immigration status) was brutalized under racial bias in front of 30-40 
people? Why Prosecutor Kaplan refused to accept their witness by saying they 
are not credible witnesses because every one is saying the same thing? All 
those involved in unlawful or criminal activities in total disrespect to US 
Laws & human rights must be held accountable and brought to justice. 
  These reports are Public Record it may be politically embarrassing to 
Democrat Mayor Jun Choi’s administration, Democrat controlled Police Union who 
can legally finance Lawmakers Election campaigns, County Democrats and 
Prosecutor. But this is a First Amendment case Plain and Simple. Edison denial 
could be as offensive to-day as was the government application & high 
handedness to halt the Publication of Pentagon Papers in 1971. It is an 
established precedent that public release or publication denial is acceptable 
only in the most exceptional circumstances, not even the claims of threat to 
Military Security swayed the US Supreme Court in landmark 1971 ruling that 
allowed the publication of the Top Secret Pentagon Papers.  
  More over in another Federal precedent; United States vs. Richard Nixon, 418 
U.S. 683 (1974) where a ‘generalized interest in confidentiality” by even the 
President of the United States was insufficient to prevail over the 
“fundamental demands of due process of law in the fair administration of 
criminal justice.
  First Amendment & OPRA request to Edison (3)
  Applicant, his entire family and unnamed Indo American community members are 
the victims of worst ever called Racial Slurs in US history and are witness to 
Freedom of Free Speech Rights violations, Racial discrimination and other human 
rights violations by those who are supposed to uphold them at any cost. In the 
instant case, the factual basis underlying the production of the Internal 
Affairs reports does not present any type of confidentiality concerns to 
justify withholding them from publication or public release. 
  The County Prosecutor’s and Edison Police Department has publicly concluded 
that in both Internal Affair Investigations they found no impropriety on the 
part of the officers involved in the July 4Th & Aug. 2, 2006 incidents. Police 
Union President Michael Schartz has also said the same things to Media. Mayor 
Jun Choi has repeatedly said the same thing in numerous public appearances 
nothing was done wrong. Further Mayor Choi was willing to release the IA 
reports on the orders of Municipal Judge Hoffman according to news report on 
3-3-07 by Ritu Jha in Home New Tribune. Moreover Mayor Jun Choi, his Police 
Department and County Prosecutor’s office never challenged or questioned the 
orders of Judge Hoffman for release of both IA files in any Court.
  It is a common wisdom when a law enforcement investigation has been 
completed; the Edison’s interest in confidentiality of Internal Affair records 
related to the investigation is reduced to a very minimal. Any Police need for 
confidentiality for Political Purposes by a township Police keeping in mind the 
Federal Precedents of 1971 & 1974 pales in comparison for Applicant, his family 
and Indo American  community’s pains, agony and sufferings. More over all the 
residents of Edison as well as entire state of New Jersey’s needs to know the 
truth behind calling the entire Indo-American community “cockroaches, animals, 
illiterates and illegal home as well as violation of US Laws, Apartheid Laws & 
human rights in deporting 1 individual at a cost of more than $100,000.00 of 
Tax Payer’s Money are above Edison’s political confidentiality needs. 
  “All statements made in this letter are made without prejudice to our Rights 
and are not intended to be a limitation on any claim we may make in the future. 
We will take all steps necessary to protect our Rights.”
  Rashmi Makkar
  Devendra Makkar
  Enclosed: duly filed out OPRA request form along with a check for $500.00 
payable to 
                   the Twp of Edison to cover the cost of copy, employee time 
and mailing.
  cc: Governor Jon Corzine, State of NJ
       Bias Crimes at AG’s office, State of NJ
       Human Relations Committee, Trenton, NJ
       Tom Wilson, Chairperson Republican Party
       Assemblyman Joseph Cryan, Chairperson Democrat Party, NJ

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