In your in introductory letter given below,you have used word infamous for 
Allama Iqbal which negates  all the laudatory comments you have made about 
him.You meant famous but by mistake you wrote, "teachings of the infamous Dr 
Muhammad Allama Iqbal..."
  Secondly,It is not Dr Muhammad Allama Iqbal But it should be "Allama 
Dr.Muhammad Iqbal".
  I hope you will not ignore my observations.
  With kind regards,
  Saeed Qureshi

Thinkers Forum International <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
            Unity & Brotherhood Seminar  As part of the ongoing campaign to 
raise awareness about unity and brotherhood amongst muslims and between muslims 
& non-muslims, a successful public event was held on Tuesday 14th August in 
Bolton, England. The day of the event coincided with celebrations commemorating 
the creation of Pakistan (East & West), a muslim homeland within the Indian 
sub-continent. The event focussed on the lifetime, poetry and teachings of the 
infamous Dr Muhammad 'Allama' Iqbal, and how they inspired millions around the 
globe towards building a concept of unity and brotherhood, based around the 
core universal teachings of Islam. 
  Various internationally renowned guests and speakers were in attendance to 
make their intellectual contributions and deep insights into the concept of 
unity and brotherhood, highlighting individual and collective responsibilities, 
and they included :-
   Sheikh Qamar Uzzamaan Azmi, Jamia Masjid, Manchester, UK   
   Allama Arshad Misbahi, Victoria Park Masjid, Manchester, UK   
   Br Ifthikar Ahmed, Thinkers Forum   
   Sheikh Mustafa Ashrafi, Aalimi Ittehaad Forum   
   Sheikh Adnan Sohail, MWF UK
  They all emphasised the unitary nature of Allama Iqbals poetry, the various 
development phases he passed through his life, both intellectually, politically 
and spiritually. How he emphasised the removal of tribal, ethinic and racial 
barriers between the people, and how their removal would allow communities to 
excel and come together on a common basis of shared Islamic values. 
Consequently, by Muslims themselves becoming moral role models they would be 
able to win the hearts of mankind generally through their practical actions. 
  Thinkers Forum along with its willing partners endeavours to continue the 
practice of building bridges between the people and unifying hearts and minds.
  Further detaills and photos can be found at:-
  Dr Ghulam S Ashraf

Thinkers Forum International
A Global Intellectual Movement Working For Social Change

Vision :
'TFI to be the Leading Muslim Think Tank in Formulation, Development & 
Implementation of Policy Proposals for Elevation of the Community in Education, 
Socio-Economics (Poverty Alleviation) and Governance.' 

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