In the name of Allah, the Most-Merciful, the All-Compassionate
"May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon You"
Praise  be to Allaah, we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with 
Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds.  Whomsoever 
guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah  leaves astray, no one 
can guide. I bear witness that there is no god  but Allaah, and I bear witness 
that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah
As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu
 Everything you wanted to know about 
Taraweeh(1 of 3)
1 : It is Sunnatul Muakkadah to performTaraweeh with jamaah. If the entire 
community omits performing Taraweeh with Jamaah, all will be sinful for this 
omission. By performing the taraweeh with the congregation at home the virtue 
will be obtained. However the  additional reward of 27 times which is obtained 
by joining the  congregation of the Musjid will not be obtained.
read more
Praying Taraweeh in the mosque in congregation is better than praying at home

Dr Zakir naik about Ramadan taraweeh 8 or 20


2 : For the purposes of Taraweeh one made the intention of performing "the 
salaah of the nights of Ramadhaan," or "Taraweeh," or merely the intention of 
performing the "Sunnah," or the intention of "following the Imaam," all these 
intentions will be valid and the Taraweeh will be fulfilled. Merely intending 
perform salaah or making the intention of nafil salaah will not suffice for 


3 : If after the Taraweeh it was discovered that the Esha salaah was null and 
void due to the Imaam having left out a fundamental aspect of salaah, or having 
forgotten to make wudhu, etc., the Esha as well as the Taraweeh must be 


4 : The Imaam should recite Bismillah aloud, in the same tone that he is 
reciting the rest of the Quraan, at least once in Taraweeh. This could be done 
at the beginning of any surah.


5 : During the recitation in Taraweeh if some aayats were missed. The error was 
only realised after having recited some portion of the Quraan after the missed 
aayats. The missed aayats must now be recited. In this case it will be 
preferable to repeat the  recitation of the section of the Quraan that was 
already recited after  the missed aayats. 



6 : After the Imaam made salaam, the muqtadies (followers) differed in whether 
the Imaam had performed two rakaats or three rakaats. In such a situation the 
view of the Imaam will be given preference.


7 : It is most virtuous to perform the sajda tilaawat immediately after 
the aayat of sajda. If he recites more than three aayats and did not as yet 
perform the sajda, the time for that sajda tilaawat has elapsed. Now it cannot 
be fulfilled in salaah nor outside salaah. The only recourse is tauba and 
istighfaar (repentance). 

read more
The imaam forgot and stood up for a third rakah in Salaat al-Taraaweeh,then he 
sat down


8 : The Imaam performed sajda tilaawat after having recited an aayah of sajda 
which appears at the end of the surah. After rising from the sajda tilaawat he 
should not proceed immediately into ruku (due to having completed the sura). He 
should first recite at least three aayats before going into ruku.


9 : If Taraweeh had already been performed in a Musjid with jamaah, on the same 
night another Taraweeh salaah may not be performed with Jamaah in the same 
Musjid. It could nevertheless be performed individually. (Bahr)


10 : It is permissible to perform the Esha behind one Imaam and the Taraweehand 
witr behind another Imaam. (Kabiri)


11 : It is not permissible to appoint a boy who is not yet baaligh (i.e.  he 
not reached puberty) to lead the Taraweeh Salaah. However if  those who are 
following him are also all children (not baaligh) it will be permissible. 
(Kabiri, Khaniya)


12  : If the Imaam of ones Musjid does not recite the Quraan correctly, it  is 
permissible to go to another Musjid to fulfil the Taraweeh Salaah. (Alamghiri)


13 : It is makrooh tahrimi to appoint a person to perform Taraweeh Salaah for a 
fixed salary. (Alamghiri)


14  : A person has already performed his Taraweeh Salaah, either as an  Imaam 
as a follower. He now cannot lead another congregation in  Salaah elsewhere on 
the same night. However, if he joins another jamaat of Taraweeh elsewhere as a 
follower with the intention of performing nafil, it is permissible. (Kabiri)


15 : After every four rakaats it is mustahab to remain sitting for some 
time. The same applies after the last four rakaats. However, if the followers 
find this onerous and tiring, it may be left out. (Aalmaghiri).
To be contd....
As-Salaam Walekum
Adil K 
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