Hi Everyone,

It's about time to start finalizing for the 1.12 release. There are a few more things I'd like to try to get in, so I'm setting the freeze date for Friday May 10th. On that day, I'll email the translation team and give them a couple weeks to work on translations. If all goes according to plan, I'll release during the weekend of May 25-26.

For those able and willing, now would be a good time to check out and build from master. I'll try to add notes to the UPDATING file in the next few days, so you know what to test, but overall "day-to-day use" testing would be quite helpful too.

For distribution maintainers, please note there were code formatting as well as internal changes this cycle, which may make external patches more difficult to apply. I cleaned up indentation, reformatted the code, and have also continued replacing fixed size strings with dynamic buffers. External patches relying on some of the changed data structures may not compile or function properly. I would suggest taking a look at how your patches to git master apply as soon as you can.

Kevin J. McCarthy
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