On 2020-08-06 18:40:50 -0500, Derek Martin wrote:
> Are you serious, Vincent?  I'm pretty sure you well know that this is
> a horrible idea, clearly contrary to best security practices, that no
> competent sysadmin managing servers holding anything vaguely sensitive
> would ever allow on a multi-user system (and we've already established
> that systems only ever used by one human render the configurable umask
> moot). This is system security 101 (e.g. SANS GSEC). Users to
> usernames are 1:1.

This is complete nonsense. I am the sysadmin and the only user of my
own machines. I naturally use different usernames for various tasks
when it makes sense. This is even recommended by some software (e.g.
Subversion, so that the user cannot break his repository by mistake).

> And remember, what we're trading here is the, what, 3 seconds it takes
> for the user to type "chmod 644 *" (or similar) if they really want to
> do this.

If this can be done by the user safely, then there is no problem
if this is done automatically by Mutt at the user's request.

Vincent Lefèvre <vinc...@vinc17.net> - Web: <https://www.vinc17.net/>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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