On Sat, Feb 06, 1999 at 09:55:23PM -0600, David DeSimone wrote:
> Maybe I should start using group-reply at all times, but that gives the
> old dupe-message problem, solved only if the remote users uses Mutt (or
> some sort of de-duping agent; most don't).

not completely correct. Mutt uses 'Mail-Followup-To:' to suppress copies
to you if the sseennddeerr wishes it (by including the Mailinglist in his
'lists' settings.) which is the right way [tm].

> Well, whatever.  I'll keep list-replying for now.

And I will keep group-replying :) [see, you don't receive a Cc:]

In 1968 it took the computing-Power of 2 C-64 to fly a rocket to the moon.
Now, 1997 it takes the Power of a Pentium 133 to run Microsoft Windows 95.
                    Something must have gone wrong.

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