
I have 0.95.4 mutt version and i'd filter my mail. I've read the long manual
but i don't understand very well the way to do it (hooks and regular
I think I must use a xxxx-hook in the muttrc file. Can anyone give me an
example, please? i.e. How can i put all the messages with the from-header (
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) in the folder "personal" ??

And how can i send a mail without using sendmail (posting to a remote relay
host) ?? It's possible ?


PD: Send a copy to my personal address, please.
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    I Antonio Mármol Albert I`  "  'I            RedHat 5.2 I
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   /I  Mislata ][ Valencia  I{     }I #92826 Linux User     I\
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            --== http://ttt.eui.upv.es/~anmaral1 ==--

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