For a print_command, I use the following:
   set print_command=\
   "enscript ... --header='%D{%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z}|mutt output|%D{%Ux7+%w=4+%j}  $%' 
> ~/"
The various % expandos are expanded by enscript to give all the temporal
minutiae I like. (The ellided ... were the pagelayout and fontsize parameters.)

But "mutt output" isn't a very thrilling header field.
Can (some of) the various expandos in, for instance, index_format,
especially %s and %F, be used in the print_command string variable?
I tried it with %s, but mutt just passed it through without expansion.

(running ancient mutt 0.95.3)

This may be viewed as a continuation of a thread starting with
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wagnon)
Subject: Printing nicer-looking messages...
Date: 19 July 1999 00:00:00 GMT

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