And on Mon, Oct 18, 1999 at 02:09:20PM -0500 it was said by David DeSimone:
| Eric Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| >
| > Byrial -  
| > | mutt -f folder-to-expire -e 'set delete;push D~r>20d<enter>q'
| > 
| > Been looking for something like this for ages - great to put into a
| > cron job script that iterates through a list of folders.
| I don't think this will work from a cron job, because there will be no
| connecting tty, and Mutt will not be able to initialize cursses.  Do
| things like this really work from cron?

Bah, you are correct David (see enclosed). My dreams of a self
maintaining mail folder temporarilly shattered. :(

Eric Smith

Where do you think you're going today?

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