Bennett Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > A limitation of the goal... that's a new one to me!
> If you specify your goals as:
>       (1) You don't have a login on the mail server, and so can't
>           filter at delivery with procmail/maildrop/mailagent/...;
>       (2) You only access the email via POP or IMAP; and
>       (3) You don't want to download the email and keep it on the
>           client with e.g. fetchmail feeding procmail (perhaps via
>           local MTA);
> then you have specified goals that can only be achieved via some
> really revolting solution involving downloading the mail and
> filtering it and then re-uploading it.

With IMAP you can download just the headers then ask the server to
move the message to a different folder. If the server uses a database,
rather than separate mailbox files, this can all happen without even
the server looking at the message body.


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