David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mutt regexp gurus:  Is specifying the A-Z necessary if we don't care
> about the case?  If we do and have to use A-Z, will the re|aw exp
> match upper case versions?

Specifying any capital letter in your regexp will cause Mutt to match
the regexp case-sensitively.  If there are no capital letters in the
regexp, it will be performed case-insensitively.

So a regexp like "^(re|aw): [A-Z]*" will fail to match "Re: ",
because the "A-Z" part causes a case-sensitive match.  If the
regexp was "^(re|aw): [a-z]*", it would match.

David DeSimone   | "The doctrine of human equality reposes on this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  that there is no man really clever who has not
Hewlett-Packard  |  found that he is stupid." -- Gilbert K. Chesterson
UX WTEC Engineer |    PGP: 5B 47 34 9F 3B 9A B0 0D  AB A6 15 F1 BB BE 8C 44

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